Download Webots from this link: https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/releases/download/R2023b/webots_2023b_amd64.deb
Follow the installation guide for Webots at https://cyberbotics.com/doc/guide/installation-procedure
Install webots_ros by using the command: $ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-webots-ros
Modify one of the launch files from webots_ros package: $ cd /opt/ros/noetic/share/webots_ros/launch/ $ sudo cp complete_test.launch complete_test.launch.bkup $ sudo gedit complete_test.launch
In this launch file, replace the world directory with the one from world folder NAO robot demo:
6.Download nao_demo_python.py from this repository and replace the original: $ cd /usr/local/webots/projects/robots/softbank/nao/controllers/nao_demo_python/ $ sudo cp nao_demo_python.py nao_demo_python.py.bkup
Example Command Format for Moving a File:
$ sudo cp /path/to/source_directory/nao_demo_python.py /usr/local/webots/projects/robots/softbank/nao/controllers/nao_demo_python/
7.Set the WEBOTS_HOME environment variable: $ export WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots
8.Launch the simulation: $ roslaunch webots_ros complete_test.launch
9.In the simulator, select NAO from the robot description, then switch the controller to nao_demo_python. Your robot is now running a simple generic code integrated with ROS.