According to a Research Brief by NEHI, and as reported by the research news outlet NPR, 25% of existing health cases can be self-treated or can be treated through teleconsultation saving us 18 billion US Dollars per year in healthcare expenditure. Reliable and accessible healthcare is the need of the hour. After the last year, we have seen the importance of a proper healthcare system that is affordable, reliable, and can be accessed remotely. This not only helps everyone in making sure their needs are properly met but also relieves some pressure from our already overburdened healthcare system
🚀We began development by collecting data from a reliable source. We used data from the world's largest data science community: Kaggle📊 to ensure generalized data on multiple varied health conditions Multiple machine learning models were developed to ensure the best possible accuracy🎯 in the prediction of any health issues. It was then deployed using the Heroku server and Flask framework. So everyone can test and use these Well Wishers API and be Healthy always!!!
Selecting an authorized dataset Accuracy of Model
Easy Integration with applications Simple &multiple options for alerts. Safe and anonymous Ensures user data privacy It's trustworthy because trained using the authorized dataset It's very user-friendly even you can directly access any API using your details from Postman itself Preliminary tests can be taken at your own leisure and in any place you feel comfortable It's highly scalable because of its open-source nature.
🕍System design 🤝🏻Teamwork & Team Management ⏰Time Management 🧩Integrity 🧠Problem Solving 🦾Creativity
We’ve no doubt seen the latest development in healthcare in the form of wrist bands that monitor multiple health parameters. We want to use this technology in coordination with our API to develop a system that can automatically sense the parameters and also help us identify any health issue in the user. A larger, more extensive dataset can be created and used to identify the issues present with greater precision We can add more functionalities/API to increase scalability Voice assistance features can be added to our system to improve accessibility.