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All packages for backend applications


  1. Add nuget source: nuget sources add -name GPR -Source
  2. Install package: nuget install Ajupov.Utils.All

Utils list

  • Country utils
  • Date and time utils
  • Decimal type utils
  • Enums utils
  • Sequence generations utils
  • Guid utils
  • Http utils
  • Json utils
  • Password utils
  • Phone format utils
  • Sorting utils IQueryable
  • String utils


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Switch to a new branch
  3. Make changes into new branch
  4. Upgrade PackageVersion property value in .csproj file
  5. Create pull request from new branch to master branch
  6. Require code review
  7. Merge pull request after approving
  8. You can see package in Github Packages