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Imageboard engine written in Haskell and powered by Yesod. Demo board.

It's a classic web application with the flavour of AJAX and EventSource used to extend UI of good ol' design insipred by Wakaba.

GitLab CI/CD:


  • Main capabilities:

    • Boards groupping by categories
    • Hiding boards from the list
    • Easy Tor configuration
    • Making boards to be accessed through Tor only
    • Feed page and RSS
    • Threads catalog
    • Threads bookmarks
    • Post deletion and editing
    • Post editing history
    • Multiple file attachment
    • File deletion
    • Video, audio and flash support
    • File rating system: SFW, R15, R18, R18G
    • Text formatting based on BBCode
    • Code highlighting and dice support
    • Prooflables as replacement of tripcodes
    • Private messages
    • Online users counter
    • New posts counter displayed for each board
    • Embedded and customizable CAPTCHA
    • Full-text search
    • Internationalization (English, Русский, Português, Brasil)
    • Country flag support
    • Works fine with JavaScript disabled
    • Custom banners at the top of the page
    • Reports system
  • UI enhancements:

    • Posting through AJAX and quick reply
    • Threads hiding
    • Answer map and post previews
    • Expanding of threads and images
    • YouTube, Vimeo, Coub embedding
    • 20+ switchable stylesheets
    • Buttons for searching selected image using several search engines like Google, TinEye, etc.
    • Desktop notifications of new posts
    • Each UI feature can be configured or disabled
  • Administration features:

    • Hellbanning by session
    • Banning by IP
    • Listing and recovering deleted posts
    • OP can moderate his own thread
    • Flexible account system with customizable groups and permissions
    • Ability to stick and lock threads and to put on auto-sage
    • Moving threads between boards
    • Moving posts between threads
    • Modlog which allows to view previous actions done by staff
    • Post search by ID and UID
    • Wordfilter with regex support which can trigger different actions (ban, replace text, hide post, deny posting and so on)
    • Each board can be configured independently and has a lot of options
    • Home and about pages and footer can be filled in with custom HTML


  • Bad UI/UX design of administration tools

  • Can be slow in some cases

  • Have not been tested much, no unit/integration tests

  • Difficult to contribute: slow building, legacy dependencies, ugly code

  • Not scalable due to sessions which are being stored on disk

  • Not under active development

Known issues

  • Docker Swarm: Monaba gets incorrect anon's IP. Onion detection doesn't work too.

  • Memory leak while building: #14

  • Incorrect pagination of search results


  • Unix-like distro supported by Docker

  • Server with 2GB RAM and 2 CPU cores would be fine

  • If you are going to build Monaba from source, you'd better have 16GB RAM and i7 CPU. MacBook Pro 13 2017 without TouchBar has been dying on build.

API docs

Installation guide

Docker & docker-compose Installation

That's official Docker install script for Debian:

cd /usr/local/src && wget -qO- | sh

Make Docker to work without sudo:

sudo groupadd docker && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Then log out and log back in your system.

Run Docker service:

sudo systemctl start docker

And download docker-compose - yeah, just download it:

sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Monaba Installation

Option #1. Plain Docker

Open your CLI and type:

git clone && cd Monaba

Prepare local dependencies by running build script:


The previous command has just created settings.yml file that contains all run configurations. All you want to edit is under CUSTOMIZE section.

Pull Docker images

Log in to github registry to get access to pull Monaba images:

docker login -u ahushh -p 18ba5e57502213ad4218a61e73d107096e249a85

Once you're ready to go further let's get all docker images by running this command:

docker-compose pull

Or build them by yourself:

docker-compose build

It takes rather long time so be patient.


Start the application:

docker-compose up -d

In production mode Monaba binds 80 port.

Almost there

Now open you browser and visit /admin/setup page and you will be redirected to the login form. Use admin both for login and password to log in the admin panel. Don't forget to change your password on /admin/account page afterwards.

By opnening /admin/setup Monaba creates admin user with default password admin. This method works only once.

Open admin/boards/list/NewBoard/- and create your first board.


The maximum files size is hardcoded, but it can be changed in Foundation.hs before building. Default value is 25 MB. After you made your changes, docker image must be rebuilt:

docker-compose build app

Option #2. Docker Swarm

This is an experimental options and is not recommended to use. Furthermore, it has no reasonable advantages as Monaba is not a stateless server.

Assuming you have a server on with ssh access for user ahushh.

Open terminal on your local machine and follow the instructions.

Create SSH key and add it to our server:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/monaba

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/monaba

Create docker instance on the server:

docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address --generic-ssh-user ahushh --generic-ssh-key ~/.ssh/haibane1 --engine-storage-driver=overlay2 monaba

Connect to the server using SSH:

docker-machine ssh monaba

Install docker & docker-compose, clone repository and change dir, run script:

See the previous sections. 

Initialize Docker Cluster:

docker swarm init


This command pulls the latest monaba images from registry and runs everything:

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml monaba


Setting up onion service

  1. Install Eschalot

    sudo apt-get install openssl

    git clone

    cd eschalot && make

  2. Generate a domain name

    ./eschalot -vct4 -p desiredDomainPrefix

Wait until you get a domain name you like. Remove -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- from the key and encode it with base64 using the tool with the same name.

  1. Open env_prod file and uncomment the last three lines, fill in TORGATE_HOSTNAME and TORGATE_PRIVATE_KEY with the domain name and encoded key.

  2. Restart torgate service: docker-compose restart torgate

Update and restart

cd ~/

docker-compose pull

docker-compose down

docker-compose up -d

Check the status of all services

docker-compose ps

Check the logs of the selected service

docker-compose logs webserver | less


Guide to install development environment

Tested on: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya / macOS Catalina

Docker version: 18.09 / 19.03

dontremembershouldbethesame / GHC 8.8.2 and stack 2.1.3

It is possible to run Monaba in dev mode through Docker using dev.Dockefile, but it has been a while since I tried that last time

Install stack (Linux):

curl -sSL | sh

It's the best way to get the latest version. You can use package manager of course.

For macOS:

brew install haskell-stack

Install local deps (Linux):

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install \
  php7.0-fpm \
  libav-tools \
  exiftool \
  libpq-dev \
  libmagickwand-dev \
  libmagickcore-dev \
  libgeoip-dev \
  libicu-dev \

For non-apt distro you have to look for equivalent version of these packages.

For macOS:

# binary tools used by Monaba
brew install php libav imagemagick
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/convert /usr/bin/convert
# You may need to run these commands in order to edit /usr/bin directory
# csrutil disable
# reboot 
# Or just update convertPath to point /usr/local/bin/convert in src/Utils/File.hs during development

# download dmg here

# required for postgresql-libpq
brew install postgres libpq

# set geoipcitypath to the file path in settings.yml

# required for hs-GeoIP
brew install libpq libgeoip

# required for nano-md5 
brew install openssl 

# required text-icu
brew install icu4c

Go to the project and prepare some local deps:

cd Monaba


Let's install all those Haskell packages...

cd monaba

stack setup

Build Monaba:

stack build

If you gen an error try this:

stack build --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include

Then we need executable version of yesod which support hot reloading:

stack install yesod-bin

Give all access to file upload directory:

chmod 777 upload

Build captcha executable file (if you are going to use it):

cd captcha && stack setup && stack install && cp ~/.local/bin/PlainCaptcha .. && cd ..

Unarchive file:

gunzip ./GeoIPCity.dat.gz

Run nginx, postgres, sphinx:

docker-compose -f up

Load env variables:

source ../monaba_dev_env

Open monaba/config/settings.yml and check all paths are set correctly.


stack exec yesod devel

And do not forget to update /etc/hosts for your convenience with: