QR File Sharing is a simple web application for uploading files, generating unique QR codes, and sharing download links. It includes automatic file cleanup for old files and supports manual file deletion via API.
- File Upload: Users can upload files which will be stored on the server.
- QR Code Generation: A unique QR code is generated for each uploaded file, offering an easy way to share the download link.
- Automatic File Cleanup: Files older than 7 days are automatically deleted every day by the background scheduler.(Under Developement but working feature)
- Manual File Deletion: Users can delete specific files via an API endpoint.
graph TD;
A[**QR-Scanner-Web**] --> B[**app**]
B --> C[**static**]
C --> D[**uploads**
*Stores uploaded files*]
C --> E[**app.png**
*App logo image*]
C --> F[**favicon.png**
*Favicon for the app*]
B --> G[**templates**]
G --> H[**index.html**
*Main HTML page for the app*]
B --> I[**__init__.py**
*Flask app initialization and config setup*]
B --> J[**routes.py**
*Defines all routes for file management and cleanup operations*]
A --> K[**requirements.txt**
*Lists all required Python packages*]
A --> L[**run.py**
*Main entry point to start the Flask app*]
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ahansardar/QR-File-Sharing.git cd qr-scanner-web
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application:
python run.py
or the other one in your web browser to use the application.
The project requires the following Python libraries:
- Flask:
- Werkzeug:
- APScheduler:
- QRCode:
Install all dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
GET / Displays the main page where users can upload files.
POST /upload Uploads a file and generates a QR code with the download link.
Request: Multipart form data with a file field.
Response: JSON with a success message, download link, and QR code image URL. GET /download/ Downloads a file by its filename.
Request: Provide the filename in the URL.
Response: The file is served for download. POST /cleanup Triggers manual file cleanup. Deletes files older than 7 days.
Request: POST request with no body.
Response: JSON confirming the cleanup execution. DELETE /delete/ Deletes a specific file and its corresponding QR code.
Request: DELETE request with the filename in the URL.
Response: JSON confirming whether the file was deleted successfully or not.
File Upload: Users upload a file using the /upload endpoint, and the file is saved to the static/uploads directory. A unique QR code is generated for the file's download link.
QR Code Generation: When a file is uploaded, a QR code is created that links to the file's download URL.
File Cleanup: The background scheduler automatically runs the cleanup every day, deleting files older than 7 days.
Manual Cleanup: You can manually trigger the cleanup by sending a POST request to /cleanup.
File Deletion: Files can be deleted by sending a DELETE request to /delete/.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.