chmod +x ./scripts/yada yada
dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "Redis:Configuration" "localhost:6379"
dotnet user-secrets set "UtahId:Authority" "https://login.dts.utah.gov:443/sso/oauth2"
dotnet user-secrets set "UtahId:ClientId" ""
dotnet user-secrets set "UtahId:ClientSecret" ""
dotnet user-secrets set "CloudSql:Host" "localhost"
dotnet user-secrets set "CloudSql:Port" "5432"
dotnet user-secrets set "CloudSql:Db" "app"
dotnet user-secrets set "CloudSql:Username" "postgres"
dotnet user-secrets set "CloudSql:Password" "what password"
dotnet user-secrets set "App:AdminEmail" "you@email.com"
dotnet user-secrets set "SendGrid:Key" "your send grid api key"
dotnet user-secrets set "UPLOAD_BUCKET" "the gcp storage bucket where uploaded files are processed"
dotnet user-secrets set "STORAGE_BUCKET" "the gcp bucket where scanned files are stored"
dotnet user-secrets set "GroundWaterContacts:Connection" "the connection string for the ground water contacts database"
- Duplicate
and add an API key.
There are a lot of chicken and egg issues with this project deployment.
- Request the Cloud Run service account is attached to the DTS shared VPC
- Request an authorized network for the Memorystore Redis
- Update those values in the terraform and apply the plan. It will fail.
- Update the
with the database password, redis URI, UtahID client information, and report function URI.
Run the
Scheduled Events
GitHub Action to create the clam AV data -
Run the
Workflow Dispatch Events
GitHub Action to create the clam AV Cloud Run -
Rerun the terraform