Install the Homebrew dependencies for Linux
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Warning: Make sure to follow the steps in "next steps" displayed after the installation.
brew install jq lastpass-cli fnm
lpass login --trust USERNAME
mkdir -p ~/Coding/Personal
if [[ ! $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
# Make sure yay is installed
if [[ ! -x "$(command -v yay)" ]]; then
cd ~/Coding/Personal
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
cd ../
rm -rf yay
yay -Y --gendb
yay -Syu --devel
yay -Y --devel --save
# Make yay/pacman colourful
sudo sed -i 's/^#Color/Color/' /etc/pacman.conf
yay -S openssh wl-clipboard flatpak zsh kitty --noconfirm
yay -S akm --noconfirm # great tool for kernel selection
yay -S xmlstarlet --noconfirm # used by apdatifier
# Install docker
yay -S docker docker-compose --noconfirm
systemctl enable --now docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker # switch to docker group straight away
# Additional tools from the AUR
yay -S naps2-bin windsurf-bin postman-bin android-studio
# Sway dependencies
# yay -S sway rofi swayidle waybar playerctl kanshi light swaync
# swaybg swaylock kvantum waybar-updates bluetuith swappy cliphist inotify-tools catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato ttf-roboto-mono-nerd ttf-roboto-mono
# hyprland dependencies
yay -S hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland wofi swaync --noconfirm
yay -S grimblast-git swappy showmethekey wf-recorder --noconfirm # Need to implement shortcuts in hyprland
yay -S waybar ttf-roboto-mono-nerd ttf-roboto-mono hyprland-autoname-workspaces-git waybar-updates bluetuith --noconfirm
yay -S hyprlock hypridle kanshi --noconfirm # To finish
# to review: waybar-mpris swww
# Delete the swaync systemd, otherwise it clashes with KDE plasma notification service
systemctl --user disable --now swaync
sudo rm /usr/lib/systemd/user/swaync.service
cargo install pokeget
cargo install cargo-update # used by topgrade
# theme: install and run both nwg-look and qt6ct to set as you're liking, however config should be saved already
yay -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato nwg-look qt6ct
mkdir ~/.ssh && cd $_
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" -f "github-agoodshort"
if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
pbcopy <~/.ssh/ # copy public key to clipboard
wl-copy <~/.ssh/ #
Add the copied key in your GitHub Profile SSH keys.
curl --silent |
jq --raw-output '" "+.ssh_keys[]' >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
Install Visual Studio Code before installing chezmoi
as brew
will fail to install Visual Studio Code extensions during the first run.
if [[ ! -x "$(command -v code)" ]]; then
if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
sudo yay -S visual-studio-code-bin --noconfirm
brew install chezmoi
chezmoi init --apply agoodshort
fnm install lts/iron
fnm use lts/iron
List of tools used is available in Tools.
- List cargo
- Create a bootstrap script to install the brew bases and login to lastpass
- Look at Timeshift and find out how to partition properly
- Work on the format with
{{ end -}}
- Mount secondary drive as home folder
- Change
- Finish to setup
- Finish setting up required tools for
previewer => - To share wifi between KDE and Hyprland, you have to set password security to unencrypted
- Install
, follow the steps on this page - Install and configure
for wallpaper - Finish the installation of
hyprland => to test screensharing features