Adocasts provides education lessons, screencasts, and livestreams on AdonisJS, NodeJS, JavaScript, and more. We have a vast library of free lessons and resources that expands weekly to help get you up and running with AdonisJS.
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To simplify session management, email verification, and similar logic, the Adocasts CMS only offers limited authentication functionality. To register a new user, please clone down the Adocasts project which contains the full suite of authentication functionalities.
- PostgreSQL β We use PostgreSQL as our database driver so you'll either want it installed on your machine or a service that provides it.
- SMTP Provider β Locally, we like to use MailTrap
- Redis Server β We now require a Redis connection via Bentocache
- Node v20.6+ β Recommended
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm i
- Duplicate
and rename.env
- Fill out the
We provide a StarterSeed
that will populate your database with faker data to populate pages on the Adocasts site.
I haven't tested this yet since our migration from AdonisJS 5 to 6. If you run into any problems, feel free to open an issue.
- Migrate your database
node ace migration:run
- (Optional) If you'd like to start fresh (without faker data), open our
and comment out theseedUsersAndContent()
call within the run method.
public async run() {
const trx = await db.transaction()
try {
await this.seedRoles(trx)
if (!app.inTest) {
// await this.seedUsersAndContent(trx)
await trx.commit()
} catch (error) {
await trx.rollback()
console.log({ error })
- Seed our faker data
node ace db:seed