A passionate fullstack developer from Indonesia
Someone who adheres to idealism. It can be anything as long as you put in the hard work. Sarcasm is something you come up with a lot when you talk. I am fun to work with. I don't like doing the same job over and over again. i always like to learn new things from other people like helping others solve their problems.
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- 🔭 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Studying Information System at Sriwijaya University.
- 💼 Working as a Fullstack Developer
- 🌱 Learning more about Systems Design.
- ✍️ Music is my hobby.
- 📫 How to reach me adityadees@gmail.com
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. -- Steve Jobs
Blog posts By @AdityaDees
- Ask 7 Rekomendasi Ponsel 5G Terbaik 2022
- Ask Bola Panas Metaverse dan NFT Oleh Pengembang Game
- 5 Smartphone Xiaomi Terbaru
- Ask Cara Menggunakan Rumus VLOOKUP Excel AdityaDees
- Ask Pasar NFT Neon, Luncurkan Mesin Jual NFT Otomatis
StackOverflow Activity By @AdityaDees
- Answer by AdityaDees for How $this->app->singleton() works in laravel?
- Answer by AdityaDees for I want to store the session value in search box of appTables using jquery
- Laravel Relationship Model nested relation table
- chartjs add space betwen stacked bar
- Answer by AdityaDees for Why in console age is coming as undefined