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wav2bmp (W2B)

A simple Python 3 library for converting a WAV file into a BMP (and back!).

Install prerequisites

Download and install Python 3

Download the latest version of Python 3.X from the official website.

When installing, be sure to tick the box titled "Add Python 3.X to PATH". This will make it much easier to invoke Python from a command-line terminal.

Install the required Python 3 libraries

From the command-line:

python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose imageio

Note: you may need to use the command python3 in place of python, depending on your platform. If in doubt, to find the version you are using, use command python --version.

Clone/download the code

To clone, run from the command-line:

git clone

(Optional) Install an image editor

This is up to you, if you want to perform resynthesis (i.e. BMP -> WAV).

Copy any WAVs to the repository directory

One WAV, square_2.wav, is included as part of this repository. It is a 500 Hz square wave with only two harmonics, and has a sample rate of 10 kHz. As such, it's an extremely simple example that helps to illustrate resynthesis. Be warned: it's normalised, so will be very loud when played back.

The tools in this repository operate on WAV files that you have on your system. When image files are generated, they will be written to the same directory as the source WAV file. Note that this tool can, depending on the FFT size and overlap values, generate huge image files. Those who are concerned about their SSDs should only use this tool on a hard disk drive.

Quick start #1: my first analysis using wav2bmp

Navigate to the wav2bmp directory in a command-line terminal. In this first example we will be using the included WAV called square_2.wav. The script that will generate our BMPs is called Run the following command:

python square_2.wav 1024 0.5

Examine the generated graphs and close them. As stated in the script output, has written two files:

  • square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db.bmp
  • square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db.npy

Ignore the .npy file. Both of these files are the spectrogram in different formats.

Quick start #2: my first resynthesis using bmp2wav

Now that we have a spectrogram, it's time to create a mask with which to modify the amplitude data. I have included example masks that I made in this repository.

Run the script twice to resynthesize the square wave with each harmonic removed using each included mask. The two commands to do this are:

python square_2.wav
square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db_mask1.bmp 1024 0.5 python
square_2.wav square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db_mask2.bmp 1024 0.5

Examine and close the graphs generated by each command, and we're done. The two resynthesized WAVs are:

  • square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db_mask1.bmp_out.wav
  • square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db_mask2.bmp_out.wav

The script also copied the source WAV and removed all channels other than the first. Compare these three WAVs to see the difference.

Usage details


A graph will have been drawn and displayed. This is the spectrogram. Note that the axes are purely FFT and frequency bin indices. Converting these values to either time or frequency, respectively, requires more work.

If you're interested, NumPy provides the numpy.fft.rfftfreq(n) function to determine the frequencies of each of the specific bins. This is used already in the code as part of the function util.log_freq(), used by the logarithmic graph and image functions w2b.plot.draw_abs_db_log() and w2b.img.write_abs_db_log(), respectively.

W2B writes images with several pieces of information encoded into the name:

  • Source WAV name
  • Sample rate ("fs10000", i.e. 10 kHz)
  • FFT size ("s1024", i.e. 1024 frequency bins)
  • FFT overlap ("o0.5", i.e. the FFT window is moved one-half of the length of the FFT size)
  • Type of data ("ab_db", i.e. this is the absolute (amplitude) data, with logarithmic values)

This is purely for your information - W2B scripts don't actually parse this.


This script also generates a "bmp_in" WAV for easy comparison. This is useful if the source WAV has multiple channels, in which case the "bmp_in" WAV only includes the first channel (which the script works on).

Using GIMP to create your own mask

You can use any tool that you like to create a mask, but the image you create must be grayscale like the image that was created by, and have the exact same dimensions.

Using GIMP, load the generated spectrogram (e.g. square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db.bmp) and create a new layer. Ensure that you tick the "lock position and size" box, set the opacity to 20-30, and set "fill with" to white. This allows us to draw in black on the new layer while being able to see the spectrogram underneath. Any area of black drawn on the new layer, once exported as its own BMP, can be used with the script to cancel out the frequencies present in those positions.

Before exporting, click the eye icon in the layers widget to hide the spectrogram, then export the image. I typically use the name of the spectrogram image and add "_mask" before the file extension. So now I have the mask saved as square_2.wav_fs10000_s1024_o0.5_ab_db_mask1.bmp.

Useful tools to check out

I have provided the tools and which will help in choosing a suitable size and overlap when analysing a WAV.


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