What's Changed
- Refactor code to work with data coordinator
- Revised mechanics for connection with API and data retrieval
- Update saic-python-client-ng requirements to version 0.2.3
- Added new sensors for charging data
- Renamed and revised sensor data and info. Most Unique IDs have changed (see breaking changes)
- Revised config_flow to allow login with phone and email
- Initial implementation of services (some services still not available, but implemented as a proof of concept). Feedback on this will be helpful
- Change update interval to 5 minutes once charging is detected
- Refactor API responses and values as needed. Charging sensors only display data if Charging is Active, otherwise 0 will be displayed
- Fuel Level, Fuel Range, EV State of Charge and Electric Range are vehicle dependent. Add logic to determine the vehicle type and show sensors accordingly.
Breaking Changes
- Many sensors have been refactored and their unique ID changed, This may cause you to have duplicated sensors upon update.
- It is recommendable that you remove and add this integration from scratch,
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.1.0