SPA Todo application with authentication using Lavavel 5.4 + Vue.js 2.2 + JWTAuth
SPA (Single Page Application) make user experience much better.
Laravel is designed to use modern frontend development.
Laravel contains the following stacks by defualt:
- Webpack
- Vue.js
And laravel-mix build all asset files.
Vue.js is one of modern JavaScript framework. It can be installed partialy, but its ecosystem enables us to make simple, lightweight, elegant SPA.
- vue-router
- axios
Bigger appliction may need state management system such as vuex
Login-enable Todo app requires the basic of web technology. It includes
- RESTful routing
- State Management (legacy session or JWTAuth, OAuth2, etc.)
- Database Migration
git clone
cd laravel-vue-jwtauth-spa-todo-app
composer install
yarn install
yarn run watch
cp .env.example .env
php argisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan seed
php artisan serve
Go to http://localhost:8000