A notes app where you can store your stuff by giving them a title and a description. It will display all the notes in a colourful card like widget. You can also toggle a switch named Important if you have a confidential description and dont want to show it on the note page.
It uses a Sql database for the storing the data. The best way to check these features is to install the app and use it yourself.
Also comes with local auth if you have any authentication set p in your device.
- Flutter
- SQLite
- Install Flutter
- Install Android Studio / IntelliJ / VSCode
- Preparing Release for Android
- Preparing Release for iOS
- Fork this repo
- Clone or download the forked repo
- Open your IDE like Android Studio os VsCode and open the project folder
- Use the following commands to install the packages and build the app
To build this project:
cd notesApp_flutter
flutter pub get
flutter run
Contributions to the project are welcome! If you have a bug or feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repo.
Feel free to use GitHub issues for questions, bug reports, and feature requests Include as much information as possible and provide any relevant resources.
You can also read the contribution.md file and check for more ways to contribute to the project.
Maintainer: Achintya
Contributors: Zubeen