SIRIUS is a domain specific library for electronic structure calculations. It implements pseudopotential plane wave (PP-PW) and full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) methods and is designed for GPU acceleration of popular community codes such as Exciting, Elk and Quantum ESPRESSO. SIRIUS is written in C++17 with MPI, OpenMP and CUDA/ROCm programming models. SIRIUS is organised as a collection of classes that abstract away the different building blocks of DFT self-consistency cycle.
The following functionality is currently implemented in SIRIUS:
- (PP-PW) Norm-conserving, ultrasoft and PAW pseudopotentials
- (PP-PW) Spin-orbit coupling
- (PP-PW) Stress tensor
- (PP-PW, FP-LAPW) Atomic forces
- (PP-PW, FP-LAPW) Collinear and non-collinear magnetism
- (FP-LAPW) APW and LAPW basis sets with arbitrary number of local orbitals
- (FP-LAPW) ZORA and IORA approximations for valence states; full relativistic Dirac equation for core states
- Symmetrization of lattice-periodic functions and on-site matrices
- Generation of irreducible k-meshes
- Python frontend
It is recommended to install SIRIUS through Spack. To set it up, use
git clone
. spack/share/spack/
spack install sirius
SIRIUS has many different configurations to enable specific hardware and library support. Some common setups include:
# Use default BLAS, LAPACK, MPI and FFTW3 implementations, without GPU support, using the latest GCC 9.x
$ spack install sirius %gcc@:9
# Explicitly use the latest 3.x release of MPICH for MPI, OpenBLAS for BLAS and LAPACK, FFTW for FFTW3, without GPU support
$ spack install sirius ^mpich@:3 ^fftw ^openblas
# Enable distributed linear algebra, and use Intel MKL for BLAS, ScaLAPACK and FFTW3, without GPU support
$ spack install sirius +scalapack ^intel-mkl
# Build with CUDA support for NVIDIA GPUs
$ spack install sirius +cuda cuda_arch=75
# Build with ROCm support for AMD GPUs
$ spack install sirius +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906
# Build with MAGMA
$ spack install sirius +cuda +magma
# Build with ELPA
$ spack install sirius +scalapack +elpa
Language interop with Fortran and Python can be enabled with +fortran
and +python
See spack info sirius
for the full list of support variants.
The recommended way to install the latest development version of SIRIUS is through spack dev-build
As an example, the following builds SIRIUS with CUDA support in debug mode:
$ git clone --recursive -b develop
$ spack dev-build sirius@develop build_type=Debug +cuda
When more control over the build commands is necessary, use spack build-env [spec] -- [command]
$ mkdir SIRIUS/build && cd SIRIUS/build
$ export SPEC="sirius@develop build_type=Debug +cuda"
$ spack install --only=dependencies $SPEC
$ spack build-env $SPEC -- cmake ..
$ spack build-env $SPEC -- make -j$(nproc)
When installing SIRIUS without Spack, make sure to install the required dependencies first:
- CMake ≥ 3.14
- C++ compiler with C++17 support
- MPI (OpenMPI or MPICH)
- GSL - GNU scientific library
- LibXC - library of exchange-correlation potentials
- HDF5
- spglib - library for finding and handling crystal symmetries
- SpFFT - domain-specific FFT library
- SPLA - domain-specific distributed GEMM library
and optionally any of the additional libraries:
- ScaLAPACK (Intel MKL or netlib scalapack)
- DLA-Future
- Eigen3**
* Only required when SIRIUS_BUILD_APPS=On
and your compiler does not support std::filesystem
or std::experimental::filesystem
** Only required when -DSIRIUS_BUILD_TESTING=On
Clone the repository and build as follows:
git clone --recursive
mkdir SIRIUS/build
cd SIRIUS/build
export CXX=mpicxx CC=mpicc FC=mpif90
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="path/to/BLAS;path/to/GSL;path/to/LibXC;path/to/HDF5;..."
make -j install
is a list of installation paths of dependencies installed in non-standard locations.
To enable CUDA you need to pass the following options to CMake: -DSIRIUS_USE_CUDA=On -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES='60;70'
a list of NVIDIA architectures. Use 60
, 61
, 62
for Pascal; 70
, 72
for Volta; 75
for Turing; and 80
for Ampere.
If CUDA is installed in a non-standard directory, you have to pass additional parameter to cmake -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cuda
To enable MAGMA (GPU implementation of LAPACK) use -DSIRIUS_USE_MAGMA=On
. Append MAGMA's installation directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
if necessary.
required, as we need ScaLAPACK functionality to transform the generalized eigenvalue problem to standard form,
which can then be solved by ELPA. Append ScaLAPACK's and ELPA's install directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
if necessary. To use DLA-Future use
to build the Python module. The SIRIUS Python module depends on mpi4py
, which need to be installed on your system.
To link against Intel MKL use -DSIRIUS_USE_MKL=On
. For Cray libsci use -DSIRIUS_USE_CRAY_LIBSCI=On
. Building tests requires -DSIRIUS_BUILD_TESTING=On
By default example applications are built. This can be turned off via -DSIRIUS_BUILD_APPS=Off
, which is recommended when just building Fortran bindings.
Please refer to the SIRIUS wiki page and CSCS User portal for detailed instructions.
Quantum ESPRESSO is a popular open source suite of computer codes for
electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on DFT, plane waves, and
pseudopotentials. We maintain the GPU-accelerated version of
Quantum ESPRESSO with SIRIUS bindings.
This version is frequently synchronised with the
branch of the official QE repository. A typical example of using SIRIUS
inside QE is listed below:
subroutine get_band_energies_from_sirius
use wvfct, only : nbnd, et
use klist, only : nkstot, nks
use lsda_mod, only : nspin
use sirius
implicit none
integer, external :: global_kpoint_index
real(8), allocatable :: band_e(:,:)
integer :: ik, nk, nb, nfv
allocate(band_e(nbnd, nkstot))
! get band energies
if ( then
! non-magnetic or non-collinear case
do ik = 1, nkstot
call sirius_get_band_energies(ks_handler, ik, 0, band_e(1, ik))
end do
! collinear magnetic case
nk = nkstot / 2
! get band energies
do ik = 1, nk
call sirius_get_band_energies(ks_handler, ik, 0, band_e(1, ik))
call sirius_get_band_energies(ks_handler, ik, 1, band_e(1, nk + ik))
end do
! convert to Ry
do ik = 1, nks
et(:, ik) = 2.d0 * band_e(:, global_kpoint_index(nkstot, ik))
end subroutine get_band_energies_from_sirius
To compile Quantum ESPRESSO with SIRIUS it is easiest to use Spack. The following installs a CUDA enabled version:
spack install q-e-sirius ^sirius +shared +scalapack +cuda ~apps ^intel-mkl ^mpich
Now you can load pw.x
and MPI related executables:
spack load q-e-sirius
Run pw.x
using the same parameters and input files as you would with native QE. Note that you have to explicitly
enable SIRIUS through the command-line option -sirius
in pw.x
. For instance:
# run in default mode
pw.x -i
# run with SIRIUS enabled
pw.x -i -sirius
The SIRIUS library is using OpenMP for node-level parallelization. To run QE/SIRIUS efficiently, follow these simple rules:
- always prefer k-point pool parallelization over band parallelization
- use as few MPI ranks as possible for band parallelization
- by default, use one rank per node and many OMP threads; if the calculated system is really small, try to saturate the GPU card by using more MPI ranks (e.g.: on a 12-core node, use 2-3-4 ranks with 6-4-3 OMP threads)
In the following examples we compare the performance of native and SIRIUS-enabled versions of QE. CPU-only runs are executed on dual-socket multi-core nodes containing two 18-core Intel Broadwell CPUs. GPU runs are executed on hybrid nodes containing a 12-core Intel Haswell CPU and an NVIDIA Tesla P100 card:
Hybrid partition (Cray XC50) | Multicore partition (Cray XC40) |
Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 @2.60GHz, 12 cores NVIDIA Tesla P100 16GB |
Two Intel Xeon E5-2695 v4 @2.10GHz (2 x 18 cores) |
Ground state calculation (input) of Si511Ge.
Another example is the variable cell relaxation of B6Ni8 (input). The Brillouin zone contains 204 irreducible k-points and only k-pool parallelization is used.
CP2K uses the SIRIUS library to enable plane-wave functionality. The detailed description of the input parameters
can be found here under the /CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL/PW_DFT
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
- Anton Kozhevnikov (
- Mathieu Taillefumier (
- Simon Pintarelli (
The development of the SIRIUS library would not be possible without support of the following organizations:
Logo | Name | URL |
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Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich | |
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Swiss National Supercomputing Centre | |
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Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing | |
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NCCR MARVEL Centre on Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials | |
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MAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) European Centre of Excellence | |
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Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe | |