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A school project "introducing" me to PHP's classes and methods using MYSQLI and PDO


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IMPORTANT: This is a working progress and subject to major changes until the specified deadline below.

A school project "introducing" me to PHP's classes and methods using MYSQLI and PDO.

I'd already used PHP's classes and methods in a previous project, and intended to implement more of those in upcoming jobs. However, as of right now, I've not yet used an OOP Class to establish a database connection and/or execute some CRUD operations via mysqli and pdo 😉. So, I can't wait to start this project; I'm sure I'll learn something new 😍.

TO MY TEACHERS (i.e. Ruben, Nicolas, Aurélie and co.): thanks for these amazingly intuitive projects; they light up a fire in me 🔥🔥, and make me excited && happy to get outta bed every morning - You Guys Rock !!! 🙏❤️ 😘. P.S. tnx 4 naming the methods (names + params) in en.

BTW: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 !!! This is the first project of the year ! Hooray !!! 🥳 🎉🎊


Original text in French: Vous allez devoir créer une classe ainsi que ces méthodes associées.

You need to create a class and their corresponding methods.

NOTE: See the source files, for a more detailed description.


These are a couple of the main requirements for this school project:

  1. You need to create 2 OOP PHP classes named User and Userpdo with the methods below:

List of methods to create

No. Type Name Params Description
1 public __construct() None (optional) Is called automatically when initializing your object. Initializes the different attributes of your object
2 public register() $login, $password, $email, $firstname, lastname Creates the database user in the “users” table. Returns a table containing all the information of the same user
3 public connect() $login, $password Connects the user, and gives the attributes of the class the values corresponding to those of the connected user
4 public disconnect() None Disconnect the user
5 public delete() None Delete and disconnect a user
6 public update() $login, $password, $email, $firstname, lastname Updates the attributes of the object, and modifies the information in the database
7 public isConnected() None Returns a boolean (true or false) to know if a user is logged in or not
8 public getAllInfos() None Returns an array containing all user information
9 public getLogin() None Returns the user’s login
10 public getEmail() None Returns the user’s email
11 public getFirstname() None Returns the user’s firstname
12 public getLastname() None Returns the user’s lastname


MOTTO: I'll always do more 😜

The official deadline of the jobs below - according to intra - was 07-01-2023 at 06:25 AM. There are 2 Jobs in this project aptly named Etape 01: Classe avec Mysqli and Etape 02: Classe avec PDO, which I detail below:

Etape 01: Classe avec Mysqli

Here is a list of all the names and files (i.e. php) to be submitted as well as their corresponding / current status for this job:

No. Name File Status
1 User - MYSQLI user.php Done*

NOTE: (*) = still needs to be updated. And for more info on this job including Job Description, see the source files.

Etape 02: Classe avec PDO

Here is a list of all the names and files (i.e. php) to be submitted as well as their corresponding / current status for this job:

No. Name File Status
1 User - PDO user-pdo.php Done*

NOTE: (*) = still needs to be updated. And for more info on this job including Job Description, see the source files.


The folder & file structure of this project:

  • test
    • ...
    • user.php
    • user-pdo.php
    • ...
  • demo
    • ...
    • user.php
    • user-pdo.php
  • ...
  • user.php
  • user-pdo.php
  • Database.php
  • ResponseHandler.php

NOTE: This is just a snippet.


IMPORTANT: Make sure you have XAMPP already installed & launched in your Linux machine before proceeding.

  1. Clone this project's repository
git clone

NOTE: There's no need to change the current working directory to classes-php

  1. Now, create a symbolic link of classes-php in the XAMPP's htdocs folder:
ln -s "$(pwd)/classes-php" /opt/lampp/htdocs/classes-php
  1. Open the classes-php folder in your default browser:
open http://localhost/classes-php

Browser Support / Testing

Browser Version Status Date Time
Brave 1.46.144 Tested 12-01-2023 12:37:00
Chrome - Pending - -
Firefox - Pending - -
Safari - Pending - -
Opera - Pending - -
Edge - Pending - -
IE - Pending - -

NOTE: IE = Internet Explorer = 👎🏽


These are some of the things I did or plan to do, in addition to this project's job requirements:

No. Name File Status
1 User - MYSQLI - Demo demo/user.php Pending
2 User - PDO - Demo demo/user-pdo.php Pending
3 Database Database.php Done*
4 Database - MYSQL - Test test/database.php Done*
5 Database - PDO - Test test/database-pdo.php Done*
6 Response Handler - Trait ResponseHandler.php Done*
7 User - MYSQLI - Test test/user.php Done
8 User - PDO - Test test/user-pdo.php Done

NOTE: (*) = still needs to be updated.
There's certainly a couple of file I must've forgot or not added yet,so I'll keep the above list updated obv. :)


  • Optimize all .php files
  • Remove unnecessary comments
  • Add screenshots

Some Random Screenshots

PHP Method testing

register Register Successful - Screenshot Register Failed - Screenshot
connect Login Successful - Screenshot Login Failed - Screenshot
update Update Successful - Screenshot Update Failed - Screenshot

On Mobile


On Laptop



A school project "introducing" me to PHP's classes and methods using MYSQLI and PDO






