- All collected and processed datasets are in their respective archives in the following folder:
archiving was implemented using WinRAR
The code to retrieve the metrics is provided in the file:
Here are the best results, the results for the other datasets for the lstm model can be seen in the above file. All metrics are presented with weighted and top k 3 parameters.
- to use this project you need to unpack model to
The archived model is located in the folder:
The project uses glove vectors, downloading it manually may be faster than the code will do, so you can download glove.twitter.27B.50d from here manually (optional): Link to GloVe
to host this app download model in directory and use this command:
python -m streamlit run streamlit_app.py
The current requirements contain versions of the libraries to run the deployment, but are not tested for use by notebooks. Use the following guide to install torch correctly.