This release contains some breaking changes, it is advised to empty the previous findings from the database before upgrading to prevent duplicate entries.
🐛 Bug fix in RESC datamodel
A bug fix was made to resolve an issue with the datamodel or RESC causing errors if multiple instances of the same finding were found in one line. This created the breaking change creating duplicate findings if old data is kept(Pull Request #82)
🚀 Secret scanner CLI improvements
Improvements have been made to the secret scanner CLI to have better input arguments, a styled output table and configurable exit codes. (Pull Request #77)
💚 Wizard for helm values.yaml
A python based wizard has been created to help with populating the starting values for the helm chart values.yaml. (Pull Request #78 #80)
🎉 Rule pack filter in RESC Frontend
In the RESC front end on the rule analysis screen an additional filter has been added for the rule pack version, defaulted to the current active rule pack. (Pull Request #79 #81)