Welcome to CodeQuanta!!!
CodeQuanta is a comprehensive online coding platform designed to help users practice Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and Competitive Programming (CP).
- User Profiles: Personalized profiles to track progress and performance.
- Online Compiler: Integrated compiler to run and test code directly on the platform.
- CP Judge: Automated competitive programming judge to evaluate submissions.
- Practice Questions: Extensive library of DSA and CP questions.
- Multiple Languages support: Users can write their code in C, C++, Python.(It can be extended later)
- Admin Panel: Efficient management of questions and content updates.
- Add new admin: Make new admin.
- Frontend: ReactJS, Bootstrap
- Backend: Flask (Python)
- Database: MongoDB
- Containerization: Docker
- Authentication: Json Web Token (JWT)
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Docker
- Python 3.x
- npm (Node Package Manager)
For any inquiries, please reach out to:
- Email: abhik03mj@gmail.com or krishnendu19802@gmail.com
- GitHub: abhik2003 or krishnendu19802
Thank you for using CodeQuanta!