A jQuery UI Interaction which rotates any element by using CSS transform rotate(). Inspired by jQuery UI Resizable and Aidan Rogers's (godswearhats) jquery-ui-rotatable
- Supports CSS 2D transforms (only 2D)
- Rotation by mouse wheel
- Rotation with/without handle
- Compatible with other jQuery UI widgets and interactions included Draggable and Resizable
- Compatible with Dave Furfero's jQuery UI Touch Punch
- All angles in degrees
- "alsoRotate" extension (under construction)
- "animate" extension (under construction)
- jQuery UI v1.9.2 Core
- jQuery UI v1.9.2 Core - Widget
- jQuery UI v1.9.2 Core - Mouse
disabled: false,
angle: 0,
handle: true,
handleElementSelector: '<div></div>',
rotationOriginPosition: {
top: null,
left: null
snap: false,
snapStep: 22.5,
rotate: function (event, ui) {}, // callback while rotating
start: function (event, ui) {}, // callback when rotation starts
stop: function (event, ui) {}, // callback when rotation stops
wheel: true,
wheelStep: 7.5
.ui-rotatable {}
.ui-rotatable-rotating {}
.ui-rotatable-handle {}
$('#foo .bar').rotatable();
$('#foo .bar').resizable().rotatable().draggable();
$('#foo .bar').rotatable({ angle: 30 });
(coming soon)
Thanks to jQuery UI Development Team (https://jqueryui.com/about/)
Thanks to Aidan Rogers (https://github.com/godswearhats/jquery-ui-rotatable)
Released under the MIT license, like jQuery
Abdullah Pazarbasi http://www.abdullahpazarbasi.com