This is a platform that enables users to exchange a currency to another, depositing money from a bank and then withdraw them at the end of the operations.
- current client implementation allow only currency USD and EUR.
- deposit and withdraw from the bank are simulated
- no integration with real bank api been done
- no information about bank and platform transaction (deposit and withdraw) are saved
git clone --recursive
cd sf-academy
docker-compose up --build
- open a browser and go to
- enjoy!
- you must have docker installed
git clone --recursive
cd sf-academy/sf-academy-infrastructure-oneshot
terraform init
terraform apply
and thenterraform destroy
- you must have docker and terraform installed
- you must have aws account configured
- infrastructure is not fully covered by the free tier AWS account, thus some charges on the account will be done. Remember to destroy the infrastructure to avoid further charges.
- web application
- nginx server
- api server
- exchange microservice
- user microservice
- user database
- oneshot infrastructure
- cicd infrastructure
- application infrastructure
- Docker
- Terraform
- gRPC
- OpenAPI
- NodeJS
- NextJS