Rust Implementation of ZeroNet Protocol
Currently This Repo is open to Code Reviews/Security Audit/Best Code Practice Suggestions. You can freely review and suggest your opinions to us.
- Site Create => Create New Site
- Site Download => Download Site from internet peers
- Site Need File => Download Site Single(Inner) File from peers
- Find Peers via Trackers => Discover Peers using torrent tracker network
- Site Sign => sign changes in site files
- Site Verify => verify content file hashes with files
- PeerExchange => Get more peers from connected peers
- PeerPing => Get peer alive status
- dbRebuild => Build db from data files using dbschema.json
- dbQuery => Sql Query on built db to fetch data
- getConfig => Client Config data
- siteCreate
- siteDownload
- siteNeedFile
- siteFindPeers
- sitePeerExchange
- siteFetchChanges
- siteSign
- siteVerify
- peerPing
- dbRebuild
- dbQuery
- getConfig
pass -s "Your Site Address" for above commands
Latest Packages Available on Github Releases.
zeronet.exe siteDownload -s "1HELLoE3sFD9569CLCbHEAVqvqV7U2Ri9d"
./zeronet siteDownload -s "1HELLoE3sFD9569CLCbHEAVqvqV7U2Ri9d"
You may need to give exec permission on Linux/Mac OS
chmod +x zeronet
and rerun the cmd
Clone the ZNX repository.
Install rustup
cd zeronet-rs
Windows : Install nightly rust toolchain using
rustup override set nightly-2024-01-24-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
rustc --version
info for other platformsrustc 1.77.0-nightly (5d3d3479d 2024-01-23)
Once you have the dependencies installed, you can build ZNX using Cargo.
For a debug build:
cargo run
For a release build:
cargo run --release
And to run the tests:
cargo test
Try cargo clean
and cargo build