TEMPLATE Design built specifically for LaTeX Language, with necessary file structure as required. This TEMPLATE DOES NOT COME with a LICENSE File, but you can easily add a required license from GitHub. However, special files like .gitignore .gitattributes are included.
Follow the steps to create a new license file as below:
- Open the Repository
- Click "Add file" > "Create a New File"
- Type the name of the File as: LICENSE or LICENSE.txt or LICENSE.md
- Click on "Choose a License Template"
- Review and Submit
- Commit Changes as Required
NOTE: You can add GitHub Repository Badges from Shields IO - if this is a Public Repository.
Introduced in 2019, users can now create a repository from templates in GitHub. To do this, simply head over to any repository settings and enable "Template Repository" from the Options Menu. Template Repository is not limited to GitHub, and you can setup your own local-file structure for the same.
# Note the use of rsync
rsync -rh ~/source/directory /destination/directory