Through the training on dataset of Automobile's dialogue between customers and the service can we
generate a report automatically.
Overall structure uses Seq2Seq with attention, and embedded
with pre-trained word vector of 100 dim.
The translation uses two solutions of beam search and greedy search.
some example results:
Re:你好 根据 你 的 描述 该车 发动机 烧 机油 如果 超出 了 建议 你 到 4S店 进行 检查 维修
Q2:请问 那天右后胎扎了订,补了胎后跑高速80多开始有点抖,110时速以上抖动明显,以为是未做动平衡导致,做了一样抖,请问是不是前面两条胎的问题导致?,技师说:你好师傅!可能前轮平衡快脱落或者不平衡造成的!建议前轮做一下动平衡就好了!希望能够帮到你!祝你用车愉快!|车主说:谢谢大师!|技师说:不客气!祝您用车愉快!
Re:你好 根据 你 说 的 这种 情况 建议 你 做 一下 轮胎 动平衡 就 可以 了
some experience:
- Size.
small-sized vocab(3000) with 100dim word vector, 10 encoding units reduce the loss to around 1.1 in 10 epoches , which is very quick. But the result didn't shows good, it can hardly recognized as a semantic sentence. After trying, a vocab of 20k and 256dim word vector, 200 encoding units had a good performance, it is my baseline for this project. - Pretrained word vector.
With pretrained word2vec didn't result in a faster reduction on loss, on the other hand, with trainable embedding layer result in a faster reduction - Batch-size
At a 20k vocab size, 256 word vector dim and 200 hidden units, with 8 batch-size (concerning GPU memory limit) it nearly stopped reduction on loss after 30 epoches(or say a o(10^-3) speed) at around 1.25 and training time for whole dataset costs 1300s. While it had a bounce when increasing to 16 batch-size, loss were about 1.1, and half reduction on training time to 600s, increasing to 32 batch-size caused a little jump as well but not much, while training time stayed at 480s, which wasn't another half of 600.
It shows that if GPU memory supports, bigger batch-size can help the model learn better on data, with faster speed. - Beam search and greedy search
The method is not so much better than greedy search, probably because the training process has always been like a greedy search and it trains pretty well on the ability of deduction on one-to-one word way, instead of a consideration on global optimization of beam search.