Mutual-AI is committed to providing introductory Chinese-language interactive AI science popularization in the new era of artificial intelligence.
- The problem of the dry and boring theoretical knowledge in the learning process of machine learning and deep learning algorithms in the current field of artificial intelligence.
- The "black box problem" encountered by novices in the hands-on learning process.
- To increase the fun of learning AI, we have searched for many interesting and easy-to-use projects with online demonstration experiences.
- To solve the "black box problem", we provide detailed explanations of the implementation principles of the projects, helping novices to quickly learn and understand.
- Python 3.9
- Fastapi >=0.95.1
- Pillow >=9.4.0
- Torchvision >=0.15.0
- Torch >=2.0.0
- Torchaudio >=0.0.0
- Python-Multipart
- Uvicorn
- tensorflow >=2.12.0
- Clone code to local
git clone
- go into directary ,use
to turn on client
uvicorn main:app
- visit