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Momomail is a gmail api wrapper. This package aims to provide a more straight forward way to control gmail.


pip install momomail

Generate a client_secret.json file

This project uses Oauth to authenticate google api. You can go to google api page to apply an Oauth ID then download it. The content would be like below

    "installed": {
        "client_id": "",
        "project_id": "xxxxxx",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_secret": "xxxxxx",
        "redirect_uris": [


We use a GmailClient to control the gmail api. There are two ways to initialize the gmail client.

If you don't know the refresh token of gmail api

Download the Oauth ID json file, rename it to client_secret.json and put it in the current directory

from import GmailClient


The prgram will first check if there is a refresh_token.json file in the current working directory. If not, the program will enter the authenticate process. There will be a url for user to click to authenticate this api. Copy and paste the code to terminal to authenticate and generate a refresh_token.json in the current working directory.

If you have data of client secret and refresh token

from import GmailClient


All the client class inherited from GmailClient, so you can initialize a client object using same process.


Message Client deal with batch action on messages, the available methods are listed below:

from import MessageClient
  • search messages:
    search_message support arguments inputs like gmail web ui: search string, before, after, read or unread, from, to

  • get message:
    get_message is used to get detail of a message. The return object is a Message object.

  • batch modify:
    batch_modify modify messages' labels


Gmail moves messages into trash can by adding a "TRASH" label. Thus, message client uses this property to make batch trash and batch untrash method.

  • batch trash:
    Move messages to trash can

  • batch untrash:
    Move messages out of trash can



Message is an ORM model. It offer several properties and methods same as gmail api doc.

properties: id, thread_id, label_ids, subject, date, from_, to, body, parts

methods: delete, trash, untrash

Frequently asked quentions

  1. Why my refresh token expired after 7 days?

    In google's refresh token policy, if the app in google is a test app, the refresh token expired after 7 days. You need to publish your app to get a long-lived refresh token.

For Developers


This is an immature project. PRs are welcome. Feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions

Version Control

Currently this project use pip tools for version control. To update requirements.txt, run pip-compile