Due to various ostentatious social media and competitive culture in modern society, modern people feel anxiety, coercion, and relative deprivation. This is especially true in Korea, the home country of our team. There are many goal management and study planner apps on the market, where the adverse effects of modern competition and comparative culture are maximized. For example, one of the study time measurement apps in Korea is full of people who record nearly 20 hours of study time out of 24 hours. It makes users feel flogged and intimidated that they can't study for 20 hours. Of course, as everyone knows, not being lazy just because you don't study for 20 hours out of 24 hours.
That's where we started WithMate.
Modern society tends to focus only on how much time is spent achieving goals and whether goals are successful or unsuccessful. Also, many goal management services have a culture of competition and comparison that is excessively formed, making modern people suffer. By recognizing and solving these problems, we tried to make modern people set and achieve goals at a healthy and sustainable level, and in the process, we wanted to pay attention to growth and learning rather than success and failure of goals.
WithMate is a 'journey record' site that allows you to focus on
what you feel and learn in the 'process' of progressing your goals.
It differs from the goal management app on the market, which
focuses on whether or not the goal is successful, and how much
time the goal has been done for a long time.
These are the two values of our service.
Number one: Finding your own pace without comparing it to others.
Number two: emphasizing the value of the journey(process), not success and failure, which is contrary to the dichotomous thinking that focuses only on the outcome.
WithMate supports your journey towards achieving goals and creates
valuable records with your mate.
Share the value of the journey, convey positive inspiration,
and WithMate will make your journey more meaningful.
Record and share your journey together with WithMate!

A page containing the introduction of our site, its core values, and the flow of our site's use

Method in matching mates
If you enter your goal and category and press the save button, the site recommend a mate with the same category as you. If the site do not recommend a mate, you can press the Wait for Mate button. After pressing the Wait for Mate button, if you log in before the mate is matched, a notice appears saying you are waiting for the mate, and if it is matched, the mate appears on the home screen.
After logging in, it connects directly to the home screen. This screen contains information about me and my opponent. You can remind your goal every time you enter the site by writing down the goal you want to achieve while traveling together. You can see the messages of support I sent to my opponent and the messages of support they sent me.
The site counts the date you started with your mate. You can check the message he sent me and change the message I send to him. You can also report your mate if he doesn't fill up the sticker for a long time or if he doesn't use the website very well. If you report your mate, your mate relationship ends.
For a month's goal, each person can make six stickers each week Stickers are detailed goals to achieve the one-month goal
There's no area classification between you and your mate
Let's decorate our sticker board together, without competition with our mates!
In the memo section, you can enter details about the stickers. For example, you can put a link to a stretching video in the memo section of the "Stretch Before You Sleep" sticker.
In the impression section, you can write down what you felt, what you learned, what you grew up in the process of progressing your goals. Through this, you can experience a healthy pursuit of goals by focusing on growth in the process, not on success or failure of goals!

Don't be sad that the stickers on your target screen have been reset after a week! You can see all the journeys you've made so far on my profile page.
< Notification >
- You can test it with your laptop
< Execution Method >
- Enter the WithMate-Fe repository and copy the link (Link in the yellow painted part of the picture)

- Open the terminal on your laptop
- enter command : git clone "copy link"
- Go to your local WithMate-Fe folder: cd WithMate-Fe
- (Important) enter command : cd WithMate-Fe -> cd home
- enter Command : yarn dev
- Done! Just go to the local link from previous commands. Enjoy withmate!

1) main branch -> feature branch
2) Individuals work on feature branch derived from main.
3) After certain tasks are completed, the feature branch is merged into the main branch through a code review inside the team member.
4) Pull the main branch from time to time, share the latest version of the main branch with everyone and start new work there
Part | Name (github profile) |
Frontend | 박재현 |
Frontend | 이윤서 |
Backend | 양동선 |
Backend | 이서현 |
Google SolutionChallenge 위드메이트 팀의 백엔드 공간입니다.
- feat : 새로운 기능 추가
- fix : 버그 수정
- docs : 문서 수정
- style : 코드 포맷팅, 세미콜론 누락, 코드 변경이 없는 경우
- refactor: 코드 리펙토링
- test: 테스트 코드, 리펙토링 테스트 코드 추가
- chore : 빌드 업무 수정, 패키지 매니저 수정
- rename : 파일 혹은 폴더명을 수정
- remove : 파일을 삭제
- JDK : 17
- Spring : 3.1.8