demo-ios-wildfeed 是一个基于 Wilddog iOS SDK 开发的类似微博的社交应用。
可以参考wilddog demo
self.firefeed = [[Firefeed alloc] initWithUrl:@"" delegate:self];
// 监控登录状态的变化
_authHandle = [_ref observeAuthEventWithBlock:^(WAuthData *user) {
// This is the new style, but there doesn't appear to be any way to tell which way the user is going, online or offline?
if ((user == nil) && (_user != nil)) {
//[self onAuthStatusError:nil user:nil];
首先确认本机已经安装Xcode 运行环境,然后执行,模拟器或者真机:
git clone
这里分类汇总了 WildDog平台上的示例程序和开源应用, 链接地址:
如果在使用过程中有任何问题,请提 issue ,我会在 Github 上给予帮助。
We would like to thank the following projects for helping us achieve our goals:
Open Source:
- firefeed Firefeed is a IOS app that lets users post small messages called sparks to their feed. You can follow other users, and their sparks will appear on your feed