Clone repo where ever you can run script frequently
Create venv install requirements.txt
Get your slack webhook url
Prepare your configuration.json
main.py --test
(You should get hello message on slack) -
Prepare script runner (I use cron)
I hope you enjoy!
You can also see logs section.
- Go to https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
- Click
Create your Slack app
- Click
Create new app
and follow the steps - In left panel slack app go to
Incoming webhooks
- Turn On
Activate Incoming Webhooks
Add New Webhook to Workspace
- After choose channel you can copy your url
is required in configuration.json. Put here your url
"slack_webhook_url": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/AAAAAA/BBBBBBBB/CCCCCCCCCC",
it's optional key, also timeout is optional (default is 3 sec)
This param tells how long each request will take before it reaches timeout.
"health_check_config": {
"timeout": 3 # in sec
Monthly Summary configuration:
"monthly_summary_config": {
"send_monthly_summary_at_first_day_of_month": true, # send monthly summary
"send_at_hour": "11:00" # send at hour
This section and all params of this is optional. Defaults are equal below example.
"slack_connector_config": {
"send_healthy": false, # send `healthy_message` on slack, for each "healthy" request
"send_unhealthy": true, # send `unhealthy_message` on slack, for each "unhealthy" request
"send_still_unhealthy": true, # send reminder `still_unhealthy_message` if url still "unhealthy"
"send_still_unhealthy_delay": 10, # how ofeten send `still_unhealthy_message` in min
"send_back_to_healthy": true, # send `back_to_healthy_message` when url back to "healthy"
"send_if_there_no_unhealthy": false, # send `send_if_there_no_unhealthy` after each run where no "unhealthy" urls
"hello_message": ":wave: Hi, we are connected! Let's go! :tada:", # send for run `main.py` with `--test` flag
"healthy_message": "URL {url} is fine :heart:",
"unhealthy_message": "URL {url} is dead :firecracker::skull_and_crossbones::firecracker:",
"no_unhealthy_message": "Everything is fine :green_heart:",
"back_to_healthy_message": "URL {url}, back to live! :tada: Total dead time {how_long_was_unhealthy} min",
"still_unhealthy_message": "URL {url}, is still dead :firecracker::skull_and_crossbones::firecracker: Total dead time {how_long_was_unhealthy} min"
"monthly_summary": "Summary for last month: {summary} The remaining services had 100% efficiency last month!:tada:"
Available tags for each message (tags doesn't work only for no_unhealthy_message
{url} # requested url
{param} # requested param (look to `to_checks` section)
{status_code} # status_code after request
{error_message} # if request has some error message you can find it over this tag
{is_healthy} # true/fals
{how_long_was_unhealthy} # in min, if url was healthy this tag return 0
{summary} # only for monthly summary string of: f"{url_with_monthly_dead_time.url}: {url_with_monthly_dead_time.unhealthy_this_month} min, efficiency: {(self.AVERAGE_MINUTES_IN_MONTH-url_with_monthly_dead_time.unhealthy_this_month)/self.AVERAGE_MINUTES_IN_MONTH}%\n"
Main section, to_checks
required list of json (it can be one json of course).
- full URL you want checking. Tag {param}
isn't required if you want check only one url.
If you want check many url with the same base you can put tag {param}
Each combo of url_base
and his params will be requested.
You can put many url_base
each with diff params.
"to_checks": [
"url_base": "https://{param}.my_backend.com/",
"params": [
"url_base": "https://my_app_fronted.com/rest_of_url/{param}",
"params": [
"slack_webhook_url": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/AAAAAA/BBBBBBBB/CCCCCCCCCC",
"health_check_config": {
"timeout": 3
"slack_connector_config": {
"send_healthy": false,
"send_unhealthy": true,
"send_still_unhealthy": true,
"send_still_unhealthy_delay": 10,
"send_back_to_healthy": true,
"send_if_there_no_unhealthy": false,
"hello_message": ":wave: Hi, we are connected! Let's go! :tada:",
"healthy_message": "URL {url} is fine :heart:",
"unhealthy_message": "URL {url} is dead :firecracker::skull_and_crossbones::firecracker:",
"no_unhealthy_message": "Everything is fine :green_heart:",
"back_to_healthy_message": "URL {url}, back to live! :tada: Total dead time {how_long_was_unhealthy} min",
"still_unhealthy_message": "URL {url}, is still dead :firecracker::skull_and_crossbones::firecracker: Total dead time {how_long_was_unhealthy} min"
"to_checks": [
"url_base": "https://{param}.my_backend.com/",
"params": [
"url_base": "https://my_app_fronted.com/rest_of_url/{param}",
"params": [
To run scrip every 1 min I use cron on external server with ubuntu
crontab -e
Replace /health-check/source/bin/python
by your venv location.
Replace /health-check/health-check-slack/main.py
by your location of main.py
* * * * * /health-check/source/bin/python /health-check/health-check-slack/main.py
Health Checker create file named logs
Each request to url you checking create below log:
f"{datetime.now()} - url: {health_result.url} - param: {health_result.param} - status_code: {health_result.status_code} - is_healthy: {health_result.is_healthy}"
Each send message to slack create below log:
f"{datetime.now()} - send to slack: success - text: {text}"
Logs older than 30 days are automatically deleted.
Q1 2025
- async request
- custom message per specified status code