This is a Weather App. The application allows users to search for the weather of a particular place and displays relevant information such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and weather conditions. If requested by the user, it detects the current location and shows the current weather information.
Vue 3 with/ Composition API + Pinia + Weather API + Axios + Tailwind CSS + Vite
- Search for the weather of a specific location by city name. he current weather conditions including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather description.
- Show an icon representing the current weather conditions.
- Provide a 3-day weather forecast for the selected location.
- It detects the current location of the user and fetches weather data.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Weather-App
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).