All-In-One Emulation, Assembling and Programming of Z80 processor code using minipro
- All-In-One z-80 development program for assembly, emulation, chip programming
- All Programming steps can be accomplished with only one shell command
- Compatible with the MiniPro TL866xx series programmers using controlling software by Valentin Dudouyt (
- Offline and online interactive chip and size selection
- Ability to created ROM-Images with user-provided size and code offset
- Automatic size detection upon specified chips
- Globally executable
- If chip programming is needed, you will need a MiniPro TL866xx Programmer (
The following be installed automatically upon calling z80-assi -I
- Minipro controlling software ( --> needed for chip programming
- Emulation z80-mon from z80-asm package ( --> needed for emulation
- z80asm ( --> needed for code assembling
- z80-assi: The Program
- z80-assi-??: Language Files (see below)
- README file
z80-assi SOURCEFILE {-l -c[Chipname] -s[Imagesize] (-n[Offset]} (-o[Output Filename]) ({-a -e -p} (-O) (-h) (-y) (-v)
To globally install the script, download the appropiate language version and run "bash z80-assi -I".
The script will install itself and the three needed services (z80asm by Bas Wijnen, z80-mon by Brainsoft and minipro by Valentin Dudouyt) to /usr/local/bin.
Afterwards it can be run with z80-assi -h to get further information.
Furthermore, a hidden directory in user's home directory is used to store chip and language data.
To uninstall, "run z80-assi --uninstall"
Create an empty file using Your favorite editor, name it however You want.
Just for example purpose, it could be something like this (which... in fact does nothing):
ORG $0000
DI ; Disable Interrupts while Startup
LD SP,$FF00; Intialize stackPointer
IM 2; Set Interrupt Mode 2
MAIN: NOP ; write Your code here
and save it, e.g. as test.asm. Open a terminal in the containing directory and type
z80-assi test.asm -e (will only emulate the code, no programmer needed)
to emulate the code. On successful emulation, You can try to program the code. For now, better use the interactive chip selection. Put a fitting ROM into Your programmer. The easiest way is to youse NVRAMS (e.g. DS1245) or EEPROMS (e.g. W27C512)
z80-assi test.asm -lp (will start the interactive IC selection and program the chip)
Once You know the minipro name of Your IC, you could also run (for W27C512)
z80-assi test.asm -p -C"W27C512 @DIP28".
If you do not yet own a programmer and want somebody else to program it for You, you can also create an sized image. For example the 27C512's have a size of 65536 bytes (=64KB) So You can run
z80-assi test.asm -s64K
which will create a local file bin/test.rom.bin. The rest is self-explanive, I think.
Tell me, if You find some! ;)
If no language file for Your local setting exists, the script will try to download it everytime being called. If nothing found, it will use English. If Your language does not yet exist, then You can simply create a translation file from the template like this:
- cd to "~/.z80"
- open "z80-assi-langtemplate" in Your favorite editor
- save it as z80-assi-??, where ?? stands for the ISO-3166 country code (like 'en', 'de', 'cz' a.s.o.)
- tell who You are with the _DEVELOPED define
- edit the file and save it to "~/.z80/" . Now You can use it locally.
- either commit it on github or mail it to (it will be put online asap!)