9 commits
to master
since this release
- no-misleading-character-class: turn on following eslint:recommended
- no-prototype-builtins: turn on following eslint:recommended
- remove options that are now default
- function-paren-newline: change to the new option 'multiline-arguments'
- prefer-named-capture-group: turn off new rule
- import/no-unused-modules: turn on new rule to avoid unused files or dead code
- promise/catch-or-return: allow finally
- react/no-string-refs: disallow template literals as refs
- react: configure new rules
- unicorn: configure new rules
- react/sort-comp: remove patterns that conflicts with arrow-functions
Breaking changes
Now requires:
- eslint@^6.0
- eslint-plugin-import@^2.18
- eslint-plugin-promise@^4.2
- eslint-plugin-react@^7.14
- eslint-plugin-unicorn@^9.1