This repository contains reimplementations of various user space tools for power, LED, and temperature management of Western Digital My Cloud DL2100, DL4100, PR2100 and PR4100 NAS Systems.
Modifications to the firmware of your device may render your device unusable. Moreover, modifications to the firmware may void the warranty for your device.
You are using the programs in this repository at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage caused by these programs, their incorrect usage, or inaccuracies in this manual.
Simply run the installer.
sudo ./
Tested on Ubuntu 18 and Debian Stretch. Please create a ticket if you experience any issues.
For DSM, checkout the dsm
branch first.
The following packages need to be installed in order to use the tools:
sudo apt install python3 python3-serial python3-smbus
Moreover, hddtemp is necessary in order to monitor the hard disk temperature:
sudo apt install hddtemp
It is highly recommended to run the daemon as a non-priviledged user. Therefore, a new system user should be created:
sudo useradd -r -U -M -b /var/run -s /usr/sbin/nologin wdhwd
When the hardware controller daemon was started as root, it automatically drops its privileges to this user but retains permissions to access necessary peripheral hardware components. However, the current implementation uses sudo to implementationnteract with certain tools, such as the hddtemp and shutdown binaries. Therefore sudo-er permissions for those commands must to be added. An appropriate sudoers configuration file is available as tools/wdhwd.sudoers:
sudo chown root.root tools/wdhwd.sudoers
sudo chmod ug=r,o= tools/wdhwd.sudoers
sudo mv tools/wdhwd.sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/wdhwd
A sample configuration is available in tools/wdhwd.conf. You can start by copying this configuration to /etc/wdhwd.conf:
sudo cp tools/wdhwd.conf /etc/wdhwd.conf
sudo chown root.root /etc/wdhwd.conf
sudo chmod u=rw,go=r /etc/wdhwd.conf
The application files should be installed to /usr/local/lib/wdhwd (make sure to adapt paths in wdhwd.conf and wdhwd.service when choosing a different location):
sudo cp -dR . /usr/local/lib/wdhwd
sudo chown -R root.root /usr/local/lib/wdhwd
sudo chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX /usr/local/lib/wdhwd
sudo chmod -R u=rwx,go=rx /usr/local/lib/wdhwd/scripts/*
The sample configuration expects a logging directory writable by the user wdhwd at /var/log/wdhwd:
sudo mkdir /var/log/wdhwd
sudo chown root.wdhwd /var/log/wdhwd
sudo chmod -R ug=rwX,o= /var/log/wdhwd
In order to use systemd to manage (i.e. start and stop) the hardware controller daemon, an appropriate service unit file needs to be installed.
sudo cp tools/wdhwd.service $(pkg-config systemd --variable=systemdsystemunitdir)/
sudo chown root.root $(pkg-config systemd --variable=systemdsystemunitdir)/wdhwd.service
sudo chmod u=rw,go=r $(pkg-config systemd --variable=systemdsystemunitdir)/wdhwd.service
sudo systemctl enable wdhwd.service
sudo systemctl start wdhwd.service
If you don't have pkg-config, simply use /lib/systemd/system/wdhwd.service
Find documentation and grab the latest version on GitHub
- Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Roland <>
- Copyright (c) 2019 Stefaan Ghysels <>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
License: GNU General Public License v3.0