BRC-ED40 is linux websocket service for ED40 barcode scanner. It consists of a single binary that can be installed as a service or daemon on linux. Log output goes to the syslog under linux.
On detection of barcode service sends 'Code' as json object via websocket.
The BRC-ED40 has been developed for linux. It has been developed and tested on GO1.8.
I assume you have a working Golang environment. As go get doesn't work with private repositories over https, we manually set up the project. Go to your Golang workspace and create the project path under the src folder:
cd src
mkdir -p brc-ed40
cd brc-ed40
After cloning the repositry, please switch to the main repositry folder and build the service,
go build
A binary named BRC-ED40 will be created in the same folder.
All libraries/packages used by the BRC-ED40 service are managed using glide
After the initial clone all dependencies are resolved and can be found in the vendor folder. However, if you need to update dependencies, issue the following glide commands:
glide cc
glide install
glide update
The service can be started on the console just by typing
It will then listen on localhost:8080 for websocket connections. Note that you need to provide a certificate and private key for TLS.
In order to start the service for testing purposes without TLS, use the --notls argument.
The host and port can be changed via --host and --port arguments, i.e.
BRC-ED40 --host= --port=6666 --notls
or with TLS:
BRC-ED40 --host= --port=6666 --cert=mycert.pem --key=myprivkey.pem
In order to install the service as a daemon use the --service argument along with the other preferred arguments, such as host and port:
./BRC-ED40 --host= --port=6666 --notls --service=install
In order to start the service and stop it once it is installed just use:
service BRC-ED40 start
service BRC-ED40 stop
To uninstall the service just use:
BRC-ED40 --service=uninstall
Note: You need administrative rights to install/uninstall the service.