Master difficult concepts via spaced repetition using flashcards
To run a copy of this project locally you will require:
- Python 3.6+
- Postgresql(Optional)
- Docker(Optional)
- Redis server(Optional)
You can run a local version of flashlearn by cloning this repo and following these instructions
git clone
cd flashlearn
# Create a virtualenv, install requirements
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
If pip installation fails but you dont need postgresql database feel free to remove psycopg2 from the list and try the installation again. The file .flaskenv is populated with default development configs that you can override to suit your needs. To run the server directly type
flask run --host=
First ensure the latest version of postgresql is installed! To setup psql proceed as follows:
- Create a new postgres user, set the user password and make sure that you can access psql shell
- Update .flaskenv with correct database url details
- Type flask db upgrade to run migrations
Ignore this step to use sqlite3
Ensure you have redis server installed in your system. Enable Redis cache from BaseConfig class file in /instance/ by changing the value of USE_REDIS_CACHE from False to True
First ensure docker and docker-compose are installed in your machine, then run:
- Copy paste the contents of into a new file
To run the app with all services defined in the docker-compose file run:
docker-compose up --build