The PayFac Merchant Provisioner SDK is a PHP implementation of the Worldpay PayFac Merchant Provisioner API. This SDK was created to make it as easy as possible to perform operations that allows you to create and update Legal Entities and Sub-merchants, as well as retrieve information about existing Legal Entities and Sub-merchants in near real-time. This SDK utilizes the HTTPS protocol to securely connect to Worldpay. Using the SDK requires coordination with the Vantiv eCommerce team in order to be provided with credentials for accessing our systems.
Each PHP SDK release supports all of the functionality present in the associated PayFac Merchant Provisioner API version (e.g., SDK v13.0.0 supports API v13.0.0). Please see our documentation for PayFac Merchant Provisioner API to get more details on what operations are supported.
This SDK is implemented to support the PHP programming language and is created by Worldpay. Its intended use is for PayFac API operations with Worldpay.
These instructions will help you get started with using the SDK.
Up to date list available at Packagist
If you are using a composer to manage your dependencies, you can do the following in your project directory:
- Install the composer using command
curl -sS | php
- Install dependencies using the command
php composer.phar install
- Configure the SDK
cd payfac-sdk/sdk
php Setup.php
Add a require for each and every class that's going to be used.
- Configure the SDK
cd into payfac-mp-sdk-php
php Setup.php
- Add the cnp folder and require the path for your file
- run your file
php your_file
- Install the Vantiv eCommerce PHP SDK from git.
git clone git://
php ~/composer.phar install
- Once the SDK is downloaded run our setup program to generate a configuration file.
cd payfac-mp-sdk-php/lib
php Setup.php
Running the above commands will create a configuration file in the lib directory.
List of configuration parameters along with their values can be found here.
// Retrieve information
$response = $this->legalEntity->getLegalEntity(2018);
// Post new Principal:
$principal = new src\sdk\Principal();
$principalCreateRequest = new LegalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest();
$principalInRequest = new LegalEntityPrincipalType();
$address = new PrincipalAddressType();
$address->setStreetAddress1("p2 street address 1");
$address->setStreetAddress2("p2 street address 2");
$response = $principal->postPrincipal(2018, $principalCreateRequest);
// Update LegalEntity
$legalEntityUpdate = new LegalEntityUpdateRequest();
$address = new AddressUpdatableType();
$address->setStreetAddress1("LE street address 1");
$address->setStreetAddress2("LE street address 2");
$address->setCity("LE city");
$legalEntityUpdate -> setAddress($address);
$legalEntityUpdate -> setContactPhone("9785550101");
$legalEntityUpdate -> setDoingBusinessAs("Other Name Co.");
$legalEntityUpdate -> setAnnualCreditCardSalesVolume(10000000);
$legalEntityUpdate -> setHasAcceptedCreditCards(true);
$principal = new LegalEntityPrincipalUpdatableType();
$principal -> setPrincipalId(9);
$principal -> setTitle("CEO");
$principal -> setEmailAddress("jdoe@mail.ney");
$principal -> setContactPhone("9785551234");
$principalAddressType = new PrincipalAddressType();
$principalAddressType->setStreetAddress1("p street address 1");
$principalAddressType->setStreetAddress2("p street address 2");
$principal -> setAddress($principalAddressType);
$principalBackgroundCheckField = new PrincipalBackgroundCheckFieldsType();
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setFirstName("p first");
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setLastName("p last");
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setSsn("123459876");
$dateTime = new \DateTime("1980-10-12");
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setDateOfBirth($dateTime);
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setDriversLicense("892327409832");
$principalBackgroundCheckField -> setDriversLicenseState("MA");
$principal -> setBackgroundCheckFields($principalBackgroundCheckField);
$legalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType = new LegalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType();
$legalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType -> setLegalEntityName("Company Name");
$legalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType -> setLegalEntityType("INDIVIDUAL_SOLE_PROPRIETORSHIP");
$legalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType -> setTaxId("123456789");
$legalEntityUpdate -> setBackgroundCheckFields($legalEntityBackgroundCheckFieldsType);
$legalEntityUpdate -> setLegalEntityOwnershipType("PUBLIC");
$legalEntityUpdate -> setYearsInBusiness("10");
$response = $this->legalEntity->putLegalEntity(2010,$legalEntityUpdate);
NOTE: you may have to change the path to match that of your filesystems.
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
For the list of changes, check out the changelog
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
More examples can be found in Functional and Unit Tests
Please contact Vantiv eCommerce to receive valid merchant credentials in order to run tests successfully or if you require assistance in any way. Support can also be reached at