A simple deploy tool inspired by mina, based on minco. This project is powered by node, forcus on quick and lightweight deployment and server automation over ssh for node projects.
Make sure you have installed node.js including NPM
sudo npm install -g mina
Add this to your .bashrc, In this version only support bash
eval "$(mina completion=bash)"
# Create an example deploy.json
mina init
# Adjust it to your needs in deploy.json
// Servers to deploy to
"server": ["user@host1","user@host2"]
// Port
, "port": 13
// Identity File if any pem file requied to connect to remote machine
, "identity_file": "/home/user/example.pem"
// Deploy to this dir on server
, "server_dir": "/path/to/dir/on/server"
// Git repository, only support git right now
, "repo": "git@github.com:user/repo.git"
// If you have more than one project in your git repo,
// e.g. "projects/project_luna"
, "prj_git_relative_dir": ""
// Branch to be checkout and deploy
, "branch": "master" // can be dynamic branch with MINA_DEPLOY_BRANCH environment variable
// If remove git cloned directory then git clone again,
// default is false
, "force_regenerate_git_dir": false
// Directories of your project in this array will use a
// symbolic instead create every time when run deploy
, "shared_dirs": ["node_modules", "db"]
// How many release snapshots keep away from auto cleanup,
// default is 10 if not presents
, "history_releases_count": 10
// Run customize scripts before run
, "prerun": [
"npm install",
"npm test"
// Start run your project
, "run_cmd": "npm start"
# Deploy
mina deploy
# Or, indicate deploy config file
MINA_CONFIG=deploy_scripts/to_dev.json mina deploy
# Override branch in deploy config file while deploying
MINA_DEPLOY_BRANCH=feature/main MINA_CONFIG=deploy_scripts/to_dev.json mina deploy
- You have to ensure the username used for ssh have permission for operating directories
- You have to ensure the remote server could execute
git clone
, that's meansgit-core
must be installed, and, can clone the project from you git-repo.
- Neal neal.ma.sh@gmail.com
- Houjiazong houjiazong@gmail.com
- BordenJardine bordenjardine@gmail.com
- Marcus Vorwaller
- Allan Wind