Maltego transforms for Validin APIs
The Validin Maltego Transform currently only supports local transform usage.
This maltego transform requires python 3.8 or greater and pip, use your favorite package manager to install python or download directly from the official python website. If you have python already installed, continue to the next step. You will need to install the maltego-trx and requests packages, if you don't have them already. Check your installation of these packages using the commands below:
pip show maltego-trx
pip show requests
If these packages are not installed:
pip install maltego-trx
pip install requests
To Use the Validin Maltego Transform:
- Clone this repo locally.
- In the file of the repository, add your Validin API Key. Can be found by viewing your profile on Validin
- Open Maltego and using Import Config, import the validin.mtz file from the repository

- In the transforms tab, select the transform manager, and select all the transforms that start with "Validin - ". In the bottom right of the transform manager, do the following 2 things:
- Change the "Command Line" field to point to your python installation. E.g.
- Change the "Working directory" field to point to the directory of the validin-maltego repo that you have cloned locally. E.g.

- Happy Hunting!
- Validin currently supports transforms on the following data types:
- maltego.DNSName
- maltego.IPv4Address
- maltego.IPv6Address
- maltego.Hash
- maltego.JARMFingerprint
- maltego.SSLCertificateHash
- maltego.Phrase