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Visualization of Finite-Time Separation in Multiphase Flow

Moritz Heinemann, Johanna Potyka, Kathrin Schulte, Filip Sadlo, Thomas Ertl

ParaView Plugin Properties

This repository contains the ParaView plugin used in our paper. We provide details on the reproducibility and usage examples in the docs folder of this repository.


Plugin binaries for ParaView 5.13.2 are provided on the Release Page. They are compatible with the official ParaView 5.13.2 MPI release for Linux or Windows, available from the ParaView website:

Build from source

The plugin can be built from source using the common ParaView plugin interface. For details, we refer to the ParaView Plugin Howto. A more detailed example of the build steps can be found in our reproducibility documentation.

Example Data

The jet-collision dataset from our paper can be used as example data:

Plugin Usage

The plugin adds three filters to ParaView. The main filter is called VofTracking, which implements the method described in our paper. There are two additional filters called Plic and Plic3 to generate the PLIC surfaces of Volume-of-Fluid datasets. All filters require rectilinear grid data as input. The properties of the VofTracking filters are documented below.

VofTracking Properties

ParaView Plugin Properties

Property Description
Use Three Phase Switch between two-phase and three-phase.
VoF VoF array.
VoF3 VoF3 array (if three-phase).
VoF Norm VoF normals array (if three-phase).
Velocity Velocity array.
Use Components Switch to use custom component fields.
Components VoF Components field for the VoF data.
Components VoF3 Components field for the VoF3 data (if three-phase).
Use Target Time Step Switch to use a fixed target time step. If false, the current ParaView time is used.
Init Time Step Initial time step.
Target Time Step Target time step (if Use Target Time Step is true, otherwise current ParaView time is used).
Refinement Number of seeded particles per cell is (r+1)^3.
Neighbor Correction Enable Neighbor Correction step.
Cell Correction Enable Cell Correction step.
PLIC Correction Enable PLIC Correction step.
Integration Method* Select the particle advection integration method: RK4 or Euler.
Integration Sub-Steps* Select the number of sub-steps used for the integration.
Epsilon* Epsilon for the PLIC surface generation.
Num Iterations* Maximum number of iterations used for the PLIC surface generation.
Ghost Cells Number of ghost cells shared between MPI processes.
Cut Labels* Use label cut function (experimental).
Label Cut Type* vtkImplicitFunction for cutting label space (experimental).
Boundary Method* Method used to generate the separation boundaries DiscreteMarchingCubes or DiscreteFlyingEdges3D.
Output Data Type Type of the grid output data: vtkRectilinearGrid or vtkImageData.
Output State* Store state of plugin properties as json in the output data.
Output Time Measure* Store benchmarking data in the output data.
Mirror X Min Mirror boundary condition at X min boundary.
Mirror X Max Mirror boundary condition at X max boundary.
Mirror Y Min Mirror boundary condition at Y min boundary.
Mirror Y Max Mirror boundary condition at Y max boundary.
Mirror Z Min Mirror boundary condition at Z min boundary.
Mirror Z Max Mirror boundary condition at Z max boundary.

Properties marked with * are advanced properties. Use the ParaView Toggle advanced properties button to show them.

VofTracking Output

ParaView Plugin Properties

The VofTracking filter has four outputs.

Output Description
Grid Output grid with the extracted labels and the grid-based uncertainty values.
Seeds Seeded particles, including label and particle-based uncertainty values.
Advected Particles End position of the advected particles, including label and particle-based uncertainty values.
Boundaries Extracted separation boundaries.


If you use our work in a scientific context, please cite our work:

M. Heinemann, J. Potyka, K. Schulte, F. Sadlo, T. Ertl: "Visualization of Finite-Time Separation in Multiphase Flow" in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3493607.

  author  = {Heinemann, Moritz and Potyka, Johanna and Schulte, Kathrin and Sadlo, Filip and Ertl, Thomas},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  title   = {Visualization of Finite-Time Separation in Multiphase Flow},
  year    = {2024},
  pages   = {1-14},
  doi     = {10.1109/TVCG.2024.3493607},


Copyright (c) 2024 - 2025, Visualization Research Center (VISUS), University of Stuttgart

Our code in this repository is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

Additionally, the following dependencies with their corresponding licenses are used and/or downloaded automatically during the build step or in some of our scripts: