invivoPKfit estimates the most likely parameter values for models describing the pharmacokinetics (PK, that is the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination) of a compound given a set of in vivo concentration vs. time observations Cobs
This is achieved by creating a function that calculates probability of Cobs given a PK model M(x,t) and a statistical model S(σ)
This probability is described by a likelihood function L(Cobs, M, S)
We then use an optimizer function to optimize the values of x and σ such that L(Cobs, M(x), S(σ))
We then use the method of quadrature to estimate uncertainty in the estimates of x and σ as well as any functions of those parameters (for example, Cmax and AUC/area under the C(t) curve)
If the observation is that the concentration was below a limit of quantitation (LOQ) we call the observation “censored” In this case we add to the likelihood all the probability from zero to the limit of quantitation We use the cumulative distribution function of the log-normal distribution for this:
CDF(LOQ, ������, ������) =1/2+1/2 ������������������((ln������������������−������)/(√2 ������))
We separate the observations into those above the LOQ and below the LOQ, above the LOQ we use the log-normal density, below the LOQ we use the CDF
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- Users will need the freely available R statistical computing language:
- Users will likely want a development environment like RStudio:
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John Wambaugh []
Caroline Ring []
Christopher Cook []
Gilberto Padilla Mercado []
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