noun - [ˈapn̩ˌt͡sɛl]
- A command-line tool for converting OCPP 2.0.1 Smart Charging Profiles into Composite Schedules.
- The Swiss canton that existed 1403 to 1597 that is the location of the earliest known yodel, which happened in 1545. It is described as "the call of a cowherd from Appenzell." - source
Appenzell is a testing tool that allows you to generate a Composite Schedule from the command line. It is designed to facilitate fast feedback in isolating Smart Charging issues.
You will need Docker Desktop installed on your system. You should then see something like this:
$> docker -v
Docker version 26.1.1, build 4cf5afa
You will then need to authenticate Docker with GitHub using a personal access token:
$> docker login
The script
is used locally on the host to run the demo.
When running the script will check for a local image of
If there is not it will pull it in locally.
There are four flags
-i - required input directory of json charging profiles
-s - required start time
-e - required end time
-o - optional output directory for the generated composite schedule.
You can create a directory on your host with the needed charging profile json files. If you would like to save the composite schedule output json to the host you can use the optional output directory.
For example:
$> export APPENZELL_HOME="${HOME}/directory/to/US-JOET/appenzell"
$> ./ -i "${APPENZELL_HOME}/scenarios/case_one/" -o "${APPENZELL_HOME}/output/" -s "2024-01-17T18:01:00" -e "2024-01-18T06:00:00"
composite_schedule: {
"chargingRateUnit": "W",
"chargingSchedulePeriod": [
"limit": 2000.0,
"numberPhases": 1,
"startPeriod": 0
"limit": 11000.0,
"numberPhases": 3,
"startPeriod": 1020
"limit": 6000.0,
"numberPhases": 3,
"startPeriod": 25140
"duration": 43140,
"evseId": 1,
"scheduleStart": "2024-01-17T18:01:00.000Z"
input_directory: /input/
output_directory: /output/
This docker image is using on branch charin-demo
As part of the branch we build a test cli command that is accessiable in <workspace>/build/tests
You can then run the command ./charin_demo_bin
This has the options:
- --help
- --input-dir - required directory that contains the profile json files
- --output-dir - optional directory to output the composite schedule json file
You can build a version of the docker container locally if desired. To do so run the command
docker build --platform linux/x86_64 -t .
This can be used to change the git branch that is used internally for composite schedule generation.
The bin
directory has several preconfigued demos using profiles stored in the subfolders of the
directory. Make sure you've run