- Team Members
- Abstract
- Promises and Stretch Goals
- Hardware
- Software
- Final Metrics
- Accomplishments
- Challenges
- Documentation
- Potential Improvements
- Course Deliverables
Jake Honma - MAE Controls & Robotics - Class of 2026 - jhonma@ucsd.edu
Harsh Salva - MAE Controls & Robotics - Class of 2026 - hsavla@ucsd.edu
Andrew Dunker - ECE ML & Controls - Class of 2025 - adunker@ucsd.edu
Jingli Zhou - Math/CS- Class of 2027 - jiz228@ucsd.edu
Our project aimed to measure the performance of deep-learning models trained on DonkeyCar on the Jetson Nano, Jetson Xavier NX, and the Raspberry Pi 5 (w/ & w/o Hailo AIHAT+).
Benchmarked performance for:
Documentation for the Process
Stretch Goals
- Benchmarked performance for models with different resolutions
- Fully integrate the Hailo Model with DonkeyCar
- Document the process for setting up DonkeyCar on the RPI 5.
- Document the process for converting linear (.h5) models into TensorRT directories and Hailo Executable Files (.hef through AIHAT+).
- Benchmarked performance for 160x120 resolution model across all hardware.
- Load and integrate Hailo Executable Files (.hef) into DonkeyCar.
- Create a .h5 to .hef converter in Python
- Going into the project our Jetson SD card was corrupted. Initially, we used a backup image, but this was using a lower version JetPack that did not allow us to test models. We then had to completely reflash our SD card, reinstall all the dependencies, and setup up DonkeyCar again.
- There is out-of-date documentation for converting linear models to utilize TensorRT GPU acceleration. This needed to be updated and varied based on different dependencies across the Jetson Nano & Jetson NX.
- Without GPU access in a previously set-up docker container, TensorRT conversion could not be completed.
- Due to the recency of which Hailo Executable Files were introduced and the limited documentation, attempting to integrate .hef files into DonkeyCar was difficult.
- We could not physically test the performance of models through manage.py drive due to VESC issues at low speeds.
- Raspberry Pi 5 requires more power to run with the AI Hat+ than we were able to provide with the soldered on USB-C connection from the DC-DC converter on our car.
- Finish optimizing the integration of Hailo in DonkeyCar
- Though we were able to get a .hef file to run in DonkeyCar, based on the results and what we expected, the integration could be performed more efficiently. Although we did make a more efficient integration, this persistent model integration remains untested at this point.
- Test Models at Different Resolutions
- Test and optimize models based on OAKD lite resolution and hardware (Jetson vs. Raspberry Pi 5) to find the highest-performing resolutions for deep learning.
- Continue to Optimize DonkeyCar Training
- Finish optimizing memory management to allow training of larger resolution models