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TroZ edited this page Mar 4, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the DF2MC wiki!


DF2MC is a utility to convert Dwarf Fortress games to Minecraft worlds (or a piece of the world, at least). It uses DFHack ( ) to read the the game data from Dwarf Fortress and used custom code to write out a Minecraft world, but will likely be moving to a library like Substrate ( ) for writing the Minecraft world.

March 4, 2012

DF2MC has not been worked on for over a year (since October 2010), however, with the recent new release of Dwarf Fortress .34 and release of Minecraft 1.2 with a larger world height, there is enough changes to make an update necessary. It will take some time to update DF2MC to work with the latest DFHack as it's operation has changed from the previous version (it used to be run as an external program, but now gets hooked in to the program by replacing SDL.dll), but hopefully development will be easier now with using a library for writing out the Minecraft world.

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