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Config settings
Key | Description | |
General | DatabaseConnectionString | Mongo's connection string |
DatabaseName | The name of the Mongo database | |
AdminUsers | Admin users can be added here as a semi-colon separated list as well as via the admin page on the website. These will not appear in the admin list on the website but will still be full admins. Each name must be prefixed with the domain. | |
Domain | The company domain name for Windows Authentication. | |
MaxAutoplayableTracks | The number of tracks the Autoplay algorithm will pick ahead of time. Ie. Pick X tracks, randomize them and choose from these whenever an Autoplay track is requested. | |
MinAutoplayableTracks |
The number of tracks chosen by Autoplay that are still waiting to played before Autoplay will go and pick another MaxAutoplayableTracks more. |
VetoCount |
The standard number of vetoes required before a track gets skipped, not including variations by Veto Rules. | |
Randomizer |
Which Randomizer Autoplay should use. Currently there are the PassThroughRandomizer (0), SimilarArtistRandomizer (1), OffArtistsAlbumRandomizer (2), OffSameAlbumRandomizer (3). |
RandomizerRatio |
Used by Randomizers other than the PassThroughRandomizer, this determines how often the Randomizer runs it's own algorithm when picking a track, rather than just using the next off the standard autoplay queue. | |
DontRepeatTrackForHours |
When picking tracks, the Autoplay will filter out any that have been played within the last X hours. | |
MusicService.AutoStart |
Whether the music service will play tracks as soon as the process is started. | |
Spotify | Spotify.UserName |
Spotify username - must be a premium account. |
Spotify.Password |
Spotify password | |
Spotify.ApplicationKey |
The Play Me application key | |
Soundcloud |
SoundCloud.IsEnabled |
Whether the player allows searching, queueing and playing from Soundcloud. If false it will not appear as an option in the search bar. |
SoundCloud.UserName |
Soundcloud username | |
SoundCloud.Password |
Soundcloud password | |
SoundCloud.ClientId |
The Play Me client id for Soundcloud API access | |
SoundCloud.ClientSecret |
The Play Me client secret | |
Sound Board | SoundBoard.IsEnabled |
Whether to play the Unreal Tournament announcer WAVs when vetoing tracks. These chain together if the vetos continue into a veto streak. |
SoundBoard.SecondsBetweenSkipThreshold |
The amount of time between the skipping of a track and skipping the next one in order for it to count towards the veto streak. | |
Broadcast | TwitterBroadcaster.IsEnabled |
Whether the twitter broadcast service is to be used. |
TwitterBroadcaster.ConsumerKey | The Twitter consumer key specifically for that player instance's twitter account (will need to be set up). | |
TwitterBroadcaster.ConsumerSecret | The Twitter consumer secret specifically for that player instance's twitter account (will need to be set up). | |
TwitterBroadcaster.Token | The Twitter token specifically for that player instance's twitter account (will need to be set up). | |
TwitterBroadcaster.TokenSecret | The Twitter token secret specifically for that player instance's twitter account (will need to be set up). | |
Rules | QueueRuleSetting.QueueCount |
Used by the LimitNumberOfTracksQueuedByUserQueueRule , this is the max number of tracks than can be consecutively queued by a single user.
QueueRuleSetting.LastXHours |
Used by the CannotQueueTrackThatHasPlayedInTheLastXHoursQueueRule , this determines how often a user can queue the same track within a space of time.
SearchRuleSetting.ForbiddenTrackNames |
Used by the SearchHelperRules, these are tracks that will be excluded from search results. | |
SearchRuleSetting.ForbiddenAlbumNames |
Used by the SearchHelperRules, these are artists that will be excluded from search results. | |
SearchRuleSetting.ForbiddenArtistNames |
Used by the SearchHelperRules, these are albums that will be excluded from search results. | |
VetoHelper.ExceededDailyLimitVetoRule.DailyVetoLimit |
The max number of times a user can veto per day (midnight to midnight). |