This application is a simple mobile-based project developed using Flutter with a backend connected to a MySQL database. The app is designed to manage a contact list with basic features such as adding, editing, deleting, and displaying contacts.
Add Contact: Users can add a new contact with a name, phone number, and email.
Edit Contact: Modify the stored contact information.
Delete Contact: Remove unnecessary contacts.
Display Contacts: Show the list of stored contacts from the MySQL database with a simple UI in Flutter.
Frontend: Flutter (Dart)
Backend: PHP (for API) or Node.js (optional)
Database: MySQL
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project folder:
cd repo-contact-flutter
Install Flutter dependencies:
flutter pub get
Set up the MySQL database and import the provided SQL file.
Start the backend server (PHP/Node.js) to connect Flutter with MySQL.
Run the Flutter application:
flutter run
Access the application via an emulator or physical device.
If you would like to contribute, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request with any improvements or fixes.
This application is open-source and can be used for learning purposes.