Totalvery helps you compare the price, the estimated time of arrival, and offers between the top food delivery services such as UberEats, DoorDash, and GrubHub.
First of all, you need a US IP because some apps where Totalvery crawls data in real-time may not be available in your country other than the US. You can set a US IP with VPN. Then, you have to install Docker in order to build the environment.
To run this app:
$ git clone
$ cd totalvery
$ docker-compose down -v
$ docker-compose up --build
Open the new terminal and check your CONTAINER ID of the totalvery_web IMAGE:
$ docker ps
It will be like this:
$ docker ps
7468f0fe33d5 totalvery_web "python ru…" 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>8000/tcp totalvery_web_1
ca269c4f4a10 totalvery_frontend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>3000/tcp totalvery_frontend_1
016f221cbb3b totalvery_my_db "docker-entrypoint.s…" 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes 27017/tcp totalvery_my_db_1
Replace [CONTAINER ID] with the most top ID that you checked above:
$ docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID] python makemigrations
$ docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID] python migrate
For exeample:
$ docker exec -it 7468f0fe33d5 python makemigrations
$ docker exec -it 7468f0fe33d5 python migrate
Then you can see the demo web page with your local computer:
* Logging will be on your terminal. If you think the program's not working, check your terminal.
- Google Places API
- Used for address autocomplete at search bar
- Google Maps Javascript API
- Used to show map for the searched location
- Includes promotion deals
- Offers user to filter restaurants based on their preference
- Also, we plan to show membership-applied fees and offers by connecting accounts
- Coding with team
- Using Docker to code in equal environments
- Using React to build frontend
- Using Bootstrap for frontend design and development
- Learning how to use Javascript, HTML and CSS
- Using Django REST Framework to build API
- Connecting MongoDB with Django for better performance
- Using Python Requests library to send query and fetch data from external websites or APIs
- Create a Totalvery API that returns a restaurant list around the user and the information of a restaurnat by aggregating data from all the delivery apps
- Connect a MongoDB
- Implement functionality to filter restaurants based on the user preference
- Function that enable users adjust their expected cart size
- Implement functionality to enable users to link their account with UberEats, Doordash and GrubHub, which helps Totalvery provide more reliable information about estimated fees
Hyoseo Kwag / @REJIHA
Hyunju Song / @Sarahssong98
Sooyoung Moon / @symoon94