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Releases: TommyLike/volcano


16 Jul 08:08
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16 Jul 08:05
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16 Jul 08:00
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v0.0.6: ![volcano-logo](docs/images/volcano-logo.png)

16 Jul 07:37
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Volcano is a batch system built on Kubernetes. It provides a suite of mechanisms currently missing from
Kubernetes that are commonly required by many classes of batch & elastic workload including:

1. machine learning/deep learning,
2. bioinformatics/genomics
3. other "big data" applications.

These types of applications typically run on generalized domain
frameworks like TensorFlow, Spark, PyTorch, MPI, etc, which Volcano integrates with.

Some examples of the mechanisms and features that Volcano adds to Kubernetes are:

1. Job management extensions and improvements, e.g:
    1. Multi-pod jobs
    2. Lifecycle management extensions including suspend/resume and
    3. Improved error handling
    4. Indexed jobs
    5. Task dependencies
2. Scheduling extensions, e.g:
    1. Co-scheduling
    2. Fair-share scheduling
    3. Queue scheduling
    4. Preemption and reclaims
    5. Reservations and backfills
    6. Topology-based scheduling
3. Runtime extensions, e.g:
    1. Support for specialized container runtimes like Singularity,
       with GPU accelerator extensions and enhanced security features.
4. Other
    1. Data locality awareness and intelligent scheduling
    2. Optimizations for data throughput, round-trip latency, etc.

Volcano builds upon a decade and a half of experience running a wide
variety of high performance workloads at scale using several systems
and platforms, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from
the open source community.

**NOTE**: the scheduler is built based on [kube-batch](;
refer to [#241]( and [#288]( for more detail.


You can watch industry experts talking about Volcano in different International Conferences over [here.](

The easiest way to deploy Volcano is to use the Helm chart.  Volcano can be deployed by cloning code and also by adding helm repo.

Add helm repo using following command,

helm repo add volcano

Install Volcano using following command,

helm install volcano/volcano --namespace <namespace> --name <specified-name>

e.g :
helm install volcano/volcano --namespace volcano-trial --name volcano-trial

First of all, clone the repo to your local path:


Official images are available on [DockerHub](, however you can
build them locally with the command:

cd $GOPATH/src/
make images

REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
volcanosh/vc-admission          latest              a83338506638        8 seconds ago       41.4MB
volcanosh/vc-scheduler          latest              faa3c2a25ac3        9 seconds ago       49.6MB
volcanosh/vc-controllers        latest              7b11606ebfb8        10 seconds ago      44.2MB


1. You need ensure the images are correctly loaded in your kubernetes cluster, for
example, if you are using [kind cluster](,
try command ```kind load docker-image <image-name>:<tag> ``` for each of the images.
2. When reinstall the volcano charts, since tiller server will not manage CRD resource,
you need to delete them manually eg: `kubectl delete crds xxxx` before reinstalling or try command with `--no-crd-hook` option.

Secondly, install helm chart.

helm install installer/helm/chart/volcano --namespace <namespace> --name <specified-name>

e.g :
helm install installer/helm/chart/volcano --namespace volcano-trial --name volcano-trial


To verify your installation run the following commands:

NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
<specified-name>-admission-84fd9b9dd8-9trxn          1/1     Running   0          43s
<specified-name>-controllers-75dcc8ff89-42v6r        1/1     Running   0          43s
<specified-name>-scheduler-b94cdb867-89pm2           1/1     Running   0          43s
<specified-name>--admission-init-qbtmb               0/1     Completed 0          43s

NAME                                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
<specified-name>-admission-service       ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   91s


You can reach the maintainers of this project at:

Slack: [#volcano-sh](volcano-slack). (Signup [here](slack-invitation)).

Mailing List:!forum/volcano-sh



16 Jul 07:23
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16 Jul 06:52
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