I presented this project at the international conference MICSECS-2020 (Mayorov Readings) and won Best Report Award for my report "Comparative Analysis of Stochastic Optimization Methods".
This is a project with the implementation of common stochastic optimization methods on the example of the traveling salesman problem on Python v3.7+.
Required packages: numpy (1.19.2+)
, matplotlib (3.2.2+)
- file with the implementation of all searchesprocessing.py
- file with the secondary functions: generate and read the dataset, draw the salesman's path and launch the algorithmTests.ipynb
- jupyter notebook with the usage examples.stochastic_tool.py
- tool, that can generate datasets with points of any dimension and run Stochastic Optimization Methods on it
If you want to generate csv-file with points, use generate command:
python3 stochastic_tool.py generate <amount of points> <dimension of space>
- <amount of points> (int) - amount of rows, that will be generated, each row - one point.
- <dimension of space> (int) - dimension of generated point's space.
If you want to optimize way, using existing csv-file with points of any dimension, use:
python3 stochastic_tool.py optimize <input file> <method> <iterations> <distance_method>
- <input file> - input csv-file with points.
* it should be in csv-format;
* it should contains same columns for each row;
- <method> - method to use (can be chosen from: ['monte-carlo', 'random-walk', 'hill-climb', 'annealing', 'genetic'])
- <iterations> (int) - amount of iterations for each method.
- <distance_method> (str) (optimal) - metric to use, can be chosen from: ['l1', 'l2']. Default = 'l1'.
Default output file: <input file>_new.csv