Releases: Tiger-Tom/GandalfHome
1.4 Beta 1
Lots of stuff. Check Changelog.txt in Indev branch for information. This release is currently being tested and bugs are being fixed, and new features may also be added.
Bugfix 1.3.1
Release 1.3
Adds the ability to use "default" voice (fixes ESpeak being almost impossible to understand when voice is left to 0 as default), replaces with, which will update missing configuration better without losing data (it will even add missing lines from properties.txt!). Also added configuration option to adjust for ambient noise, and option for a phrase time limit on trigger word listener.
Release 1.2
This release adds OWM integration, a Changelog.txt, an extra wat to say cancel command ("nevermind"), and adds a version command.
Learn how to obtain an OWM API key at
Release 1.1
Adds command to cancel ("cancel"/"never mind") and adds respective audio.
Release 1.0
This is the first release of the project "Gandalf Home". I started this as a project to control my family's Wyze lights, and decided to extend into other things. It has been tested with Python 3 on a Windows 10 machine and a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu 20.04.2.