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built with nix

This is my dotfile configuration that is used across all of my systems that have some flavor of Linux. It utilizes the Nix ecosystem to have declarative, reproducible environments for each system to make the only consideration be how stable a system should be.


  • Operating System: MacOS, NixOS, Linux-derived operating systems
  • Window Manager: Default (MacOS), KDE Plasma (NixOS), Default (Linux)
  • Terminal: kitty
  • Shell: zsh
  • Editor: neovim, VS Code
  • Font: Fira Code


  • bin: Profile management shell scripts
  • system: Shared system configuration entrypoints between NixOS, MacOS, and other Linux-derived operating systems
  • home: User-defined environments (home/users) with applications and their respective configurations (home/features)
  • brew: Homebrew configuration and environment for MacOS
  • pkgs: Custom packages written for use in home
  • overlays: Overlays for nixpkgs and overwritten packages for custom builds

Install Dependencies

Install nix with the following command if it is not installed already.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install


The source of this is maintained in the following repository.

This configuration uses a template flake for simplifying cloning so that it only requires the nix command.

nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" flake init -t github:ThisJustZack/dotfiles#dotfiles

After retrieving the clone, make the config directory and move the dotfiles using the following command.

rm -rf ~/.config/nix && mkdir -p ~/.config/nix && mv nix/* ~/.config/nix && rm -rf nix

Now, continue the following instructions according to the OS of the system.

Standalone Linux

Change the pretty hostname of the system with hostnamectl.

hostnamectl set-hostname wsl --pretty


It is assumed that systemd is enabled on the system. To enable it in WSL, follow this guide.


Install XCode CLI tools to the system.

xcode-select --install

Install homebrew to the system.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Change the local hostname of the system using scutil.

sudo scutil -set LocalHostName macbook


There are no additional instructions to follow currently.

Install Profiles

Now that the dependencies have been installed, the profiles established within flake.nix from the template can be installed.

This is streamlined through a script found in bin. It is executed with the following command.



Within NixOS, the profile should be executed with the following command, until a solution is decided on for streamlining the process.

~/.config/nix/bin/build zack

This may be changed to where it is internal and uses the following as a build profile for a solution, although that is not desired.

"$(whoami)@$(hostnamectl --static)"


If any of the scripts have a Permission denied message, use the following command to grant permission.

chmod 755 ~/.config/nix/bin/build && chmod 755 ~/.config/nix/bin/build-profiles/*


On MacOS, nix-darwin may want to repopulate the /etc/bashrc or other configuration files but be unable to and error, in which case the following command should be used or adapted accordingly.

sudo mv /etc/bashrc /etc/bashrc.before-nix-darwin


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