The continuity of a prototype started with Godot 3.
Someone downloaded the prototype and I felt like I had to continue it, I can't let him down.
The tracks are procedurally generated, the car use godot car physics.
- w/z: accelerate
- a/q: turn left
- d: turn right
- s: brake
- enter/space: reset car to the last saved position
- return: restart the map
- escape: open menu
- Add a leader-board
- Add a rate system
- Add narrow blocs
- Add trees and butterflies
- Add a base leader-board
- Add car sound
- [~] Add tilted blocs
- Update connectors to take roll/pitch/wide into account
- Update car physics
- [~] Update camera to aim in front of the car
- Add a control settings menu
- Bug fixes
- Add a graphic settings menu
- Add a sound settings menu
- Add more blocs
- Add visual drift effect
- Recreate the prototype with Godot 4
- Add a home menu
- Add a pause menu
- Add an end menu
Prototype done with Godot 3.